Comments 2
Great post! It's always good to show the mistakes along the way too (and who hasn't read a port mapping the wrong way once, anyway?)
Are you thinking about productizing the concept in the long run? Small and mid-size startups have Dev and QA teams that would likely benefit from such a well-integrated solution.
As for the Android phones, have you considered avoiding the physical way and going straight to using something like OpenSTF?
Thanks again for this informative post!
Are you thinking about productizing the concept in the long run? Small and mid-size startups have Dev and QA teams that would likely benefit from such a well-integrated solution.
As for the Android phones, have you considered avoiding the physical way and going straight to using something like OpenSTF?
Thanks again for this informative post!
>>Are you thinking about productizing the concept in the long run?
Webservice depends a lot on internal services like staff etc. Currently it seems that selling them will give us huge amount of work and nonexistent profit.
>>have you considered avoiding the physical way and going straight to using something like OpenSTF?
The best scenario is to give both ways — physical and virtual, not all scenarios can be covered with openstf.
Webservice depends a lot on internal services like staff etc. Currently it seems that selling them will give us huge amount of work and nonexistent profit.
>>have you considered avoiding the physical way and going straight to using something like OpenSTF?
The best scenario is to give both ways — physical and virtual, not all scenarios can be covered with openstf.
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