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The Code of the Command & Conquer Game: Bugs From the 90's. Volume one

Reading time13 min

The American company Electronic Arts Inc (EA) has made the source code of the games Command & Conquer: Tibetan Dawn and Command & Conquer: Red Alert publicly available. This code should help the game community to develop mods and maps, create custom units, and customize the gameplay logic. We all now have a unique opportunity to plunge into the history of development, which is very different from the modern one. Back then, there was no StackOverflow site, convenient code editors, or powerful compilers. Moreover, at that time, there were no static analyzers, and the first thing the community will face is hundreds of errors in the code. This is what the PVS-Studio team will help you with by pointing out the erroneous places.
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Total votes 2: ↑2 and ↓0+2

How to find errors in a C# project working under Linux and macOS

Reading time19 min

Picture 8

PVS-Studio is a well-known static code analyzer that allows you to find a lot of tricky errors hidden in the source code. Beta testing of the new version has recently finished. It provides the possibility to analyze C# projects under Linux and macOS. The tool can also be integrated into the cross-platform IDE from JetBrains — Rider. This article will help you to get acquainted with these features using the example of checking the open source RavenDB project.
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Locks in PostgreSQL: 4. Locks in memory

Reading time10 min
To remind you, we've already talked about relation-level locks, row-level locks, locks on other objects (including predicate locks) and interrelationships of different types of locks.

The following discussion of locks in RAM finishes this series of articles. We will consider spinlocks, lightweight locks and buffer pins, as well as events monitoring tools and sampling.

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[Dribbble Challenge] — Coffee Ordering Animation

Reading time11 min

Tutorial level: Beginner/Junior


Sometimes, when we surf dribbble, uplabs and similar design clouds, we often find many concepts or prototypes with animations, micro interactions, application flow and so on.
I often find illustrations of mobile apps that are good and interesting, but of course they are still in the form of concept, so therefore, why don't we try to apply them as an interface for applications that we will build next.

Original concept

In the Dribbble Challenge we will try to build an interface for Coffee Ordering, as I found on Dribble.

GIF here

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Total votes 1: ↑1 and ↓0+1

Implementation of Linked List in PHP

Reading time3 min

A linked list is a linear data structure, which contains node structure and each node contains two elements. A data part that stores the value at that node and next part that stores the link to the next node as shown in the below image:

Linked List Node

The first node also known as HEAD is usually used to traverse through the linked list. The last node (next part of the last node) points to NULL. The list can be visualized as a chain of nodes, where every node points to the next node.

Linked List

Implementation of Singly Linked List


In PHP, singly linked list can be represented as a class and a Node as a separate class. The LinkedList class contains a reference of Node class type.

//node structure
class Node {
  public $data;
  public $next;

class LinkedList {
  public $head;

  //constructor to create an empty LinkedList
  public function __construct(){
    $this->head = null;

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Total votes 4: ↑2 and ↓2+3

Top 5 Reasons to Learn TensorFlow

Reading time4 min

Top 5 Reasons to Learn TensorFlow

Artificial Intelligence or AI has gone far beyond its beginning and self-driving cars, virtual assistants, Google Lens, and personalized marketing, are some of the initial powerful applications of AI. The present generation is yet to witness the true potential of AI in the years to come. Companies are investing huge amounts of money to leverage the power of AI and build applications that offer best-in-class solutions to real-world problems.

Broadly speaking, AI is one of the powerful fields of computer science which focuses on making machines capable of mimicking human actions. Such machines are not explicitly programmed and it learns from past experiences to make decisions quite similar to what humans do through their brain. When one starts exploring AI, it is inevitable to come across its subset i.e. Machine Learning. Further deep learning is a subset of machine learning.

Total votes 1: ↑1 and ↓0+1

Medical Ventilator +STONE LCD + Arduino UNO

Reading time6 min


Since December 8, 2019, several cases of pneumonia with unknown etiology have been reported in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. In recent months, nearly 80000 confirmed cases have been caused in the whole country, and the impact of the epidemic has been expanding. Not only the whole country has been affected, but also the confirmed cases have appeared in the whole world, and the cumulative confirmed cases have reached 3.5 million. At present, the source of infection is uncertain From where, but we can be sure that everyone needs masks very much, and those who are serious need respirators.

So, taking advantage of this hot spot, I also came to do a project about the ventilator, and there was a STONE in my hand TFT serial port screen is very suitable for the display screen of the ventilator. When the screen is available, I need a single-chip microcomputer to process the commands issued by STONE's serial port screen and upload some waveform data in real time. Here I choose a more general and easy to use MCU, Arduino uno single-chip microcomputer, which is widely used and supports many libraries.
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Kibana Tips & Tricks: How to view events in Discover mode

Reading time3 min

Hi Habrausers!

As you may know Kibana is a visualization instrument, part of ELK (Elastic, Logstash, Kibana) stack. With the help of Kibana you may analyze and visualize your data, build different charts and combine them on the dashboard to present data in the most beautiful way.
People who use Kibana in our company have different background — some of them are technical who process data, some are managers who simply want to monitor some KPIs. And all have various questions. In spite of Kibana is rather popular in IT companies, there are not many articles or courses about it. To fill the gap I have created Kibana Tips & Tricks — weekly letters with frequently asked questions or themes. Such letters help our users to become more familiar with Kibana. There are no secrets — just detailed description of how you may work with your data.
I would like to share the first part of 'Kibana Tips & Tricks' with you — series of simple how-to articles for people who would like to know more about data analysis and visualization in Kibana. Today we will see how to view events in Kibana.
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Total votes 7: ↑7 and ↓0+7

Java vs .Net: Who will Reign in the Future?

Reading time6 min
As the time is changing, technologies are expanding and with that, the priority and the importance of the technical languages are also changing. So, usually, it becomes difficult to pick when we have to choose between two languages.



java vs .net


Here we will see the battle between Java and Microsoft .Net in order to make this clear which language is better to choose. For that, you may also have a quick look at this short video:
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Total votes 9: ↑4 and ↓5+3

HTTP headers checker

Reading time2 min
For any site, it is important to properly configure the HTTP headers. A lot of articles have been written on the subject of headings. Here we have summarized the lessons learned, the RFC documentation. Some of the headings are mandatory, some are obsolete, some can be confusing and contradictory. We did a parsing to automatically check the HTTP headers of the web server.

Correct HTTP headers increase security and trust in the site, including from search engines, can affect the site’s position in Yandex and Google, save server resources, reduce server load, thereby increasing the server response speed, which again affects the ranking of the site in the search, save money on payment powerful hosting, which may not be required for the site when configured correctly.
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Data Type Should Not Be Considered As a Source of Its Behaviour

Reading time5 min

When you start learning a programming language(or just programming in general), usually there are first few chapters in books that introduce us such thing like data types (or just types). And we don't focus on this subject as much as we should because it's so simple, right? Well… I think that there is one little detail which can lead to big mistakes of understanding what really data type is.

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All About Google App Engine (GAE): Features & Business Uses

Reading time5 min
If I talk about Google then we all know that it provides an enormous range of tools, products, and services. In the running market, Google has scored high percentile and left a footprint in the list of world’s top 4 companies. Many creations of Google are widely used all over the world and the best example of this is Goole Search Engine.

What Is Google App Engine?

By the name, we can recognize that Google has created a Google App Engine, the name is similar to a search engine but its purpose is different. App Engine is a service and cloud computing platform employed for developing and hosting web applications.

The platform supports Go, PHP, Java, Python, Node.js, .NET, and Ruby applications and apart from this it also supports other programming languages through custom runtimes. The App Engine serves 350 plus Billion requests per day.

Global Google Cloud Revenue

Source: Statista

It is a PaaS (platform-as-a-service) Cloud computing platform that is entirely managed and utilizes in-built services to drive the apps. Once after downloading the SDK you can instantly start the development process but for this, it is mandatory to have technical knowledge. If you don’t know the technical terms then there is no need to take tension as there are many IT industries in the market that are providing Google App Engine Development Services.
Total votes 1: ↑1 and ↓0+1

NSA, Ghidra, and Unicorns

Reading time12 min

NSA, Ghidra, and Unicorns

This time, the PVS-Studio team's attention was attracted by Ghidra, a big bad reverse-engineering framework allowing developers to analyze binary files and do horrible things to them. The most remarkable fact about it is not even that it's free and easily extensible with plugins but that it was developed and uploaded to GitHub for public access by NSA. On the one hand, you bet NSA has enough resources for keeping their code base clean. On the other hand, new contributors, who are not well familiar with it, may have accidentally introduced bugs that could stay unnoticed. So, we decided to feed the project to our static analyzer and see if it has any code issues.
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Weekend picks: A closer look at ITMO University

Reading time4 min
ITMO University occupies several prominent buildings in the centre of St. Petersburg. But residents and guests alike rarely get a chance to take a look at what’s happening inside them. Articles featured in this digest will take you on a virtual tour of our labs, as well as shed some light on the work underway within our walls.

Total votes 4: ↑4 and ↓0+4

Locks in PostgreSQL: 3. Other locks

Reading time14 min
We've already discussed some object-level locks (specifically, relation-level locks), as well as row-level locks with their connection to object-level locks and also explored wait queues, which are not always fair.

We have a hodgepodge this time. We'll start with deadlocks (actually, I planned to discuss them last time, but that article was excessively long in itself), then briefly review object-level locks left and finally discuss predicate locks.


When using locks, we can confront a deadlock. It occurs when one transaction tries to acquire a resource that is already in use by another transaction, while the second transaction tries to acquire a resource that is in use by the first. The figure on the left below illustrates this: solid-line arrows indicate acquired resources, while dashed-line arrows show attempts to acquire a resource that is already in use.

To visualize a deadlock, it is convenient to build the wait-for graph. To do this, we remove specific resources, leave only transactions and indicate which transaction waits for which other. If a graph contains a cycle (from a vertex, we can get to itself in a walk along arrows), this is a deadlock.

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Total votes 6: ↑6 and ↓0+6

How to Integrate Netvisor to Shopify and Simplify the Company's Business Processes

Reading time5 min

Thousands of new online businesses created daily. Dozens of different platforms work like real mega plants to meet the needs of humanity. In recent years, the Shopify occupies a leading position in the market and continues to gain momentum. Shopify's functionality is expanding rapidly, but sometimes even it's not enough. We want to show how you can integrate the accounting Netvisor to your newly made e-shop and what benefits you get at it.

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Single line code or check of Nethermind using PVS-Studio C# for Linux

Reading time14 min

Рисунок 1

This article coincides with the beta testing start of PVS-Studio C# for Linux, as well as the plugin for Rider. For such a wonderful reason, we checked the source code of the Nethermind product using these tools. This article will cover some distinguished and, in some cases, funny errors.
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Total votes 3: ↑3 and ↓0+3

Facebook Ad Campaigns Ways from Manual to Automotive

Reading time9 min

Based on practice, even the simplest data analysis can lead to a significant reduction in CPA. Advertising campaigns on Facebook are no exceptions and need to be optimized over time. Often under optimization, you can see experiments with different types of audiences and targeting. If you want to get more conversions within the same budget, then you should pay attention to a few crucial points that we will consider in this article.

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Top 10 RPA Service Providers to Automate your Business Processes

Reading time6 min
Adaptive service providers in Robotic Process Automation or RPA implementation domains are finding solutions to fill emerging service gaps in industries impacted by changes across the world at the macro-level. Traditionally, RPA is used extensively in manufacturing-intensive industries and healthcare industries. However, the newer world dynamics are driving immense adaptation and RPA use is evolving at a faster pace in services delivery as well.

Mainly business functions like outsourcing, financial services and insurance, banking, procurement outsourcing, Human Resources Outsourcing which used RPA in a limited way are being further adapted to drive exponential growth in RPA services verticals by service providers with a vision to build newer paradigms for Automated services. RPA service providers India are setting new trends, as they develop customized solutions for every industry player.

Analysts estimate that the Global Robotic Process Automation Market is poised to grow to $7.2 billion by 2025 at 32.6% CAGR (Research and Markets Report, 2020). Growth of CAGR for RPA in India is at 20% by 2025.

In the newer world framework, organizations need to make strategic decisions and consciously adopt higher technology platforms like RPA for higher efficiency, performance and cost effective ROI. For local businesses, finding the best RPA service providers is a game changer.

As the demand for robotic process automation increases market participants include Uipath, Automation Anywhere and Blue prism.

Here are some of the top globally trusted RPA service providers:

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List of Top World Ruby's Conferences

Reading time6 min

Ruby programmers around the world are participating in an increasing number of conferences where they gather to share reports on unfinished projects, discuss the future of Ruby, and welcome newcomers to the community. At such conferences, new ideas are born and a lot of inspiration comes for real masters of their craft. Let's take a look at the list of the main events of the Ruby community.

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