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Useful literature on IT-topics

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15 quotes about artificial intelligence from world famous people

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time7 min

Over the past two years, artificial intelligence has become one of the main topics in the media and many famous people have expressed their thoughts on this topic. But if you start searching on the Internet for collections of quotes about AI, you will mostly find quotes from CEOs of multi-billion dollar companies, futurists and scientists conducting research in this field. Moreover, these collections are so similar to each other, which sometimes gives the impression that they were compiled by AI. In this article, I have collected quotes from world famous people who are usually not included in such collections of quotes:

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Total votes 3: ↑2 and ↓1+3

7 tips to make video learning more effective

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time5 min

While video-based learning continues to rank high in the latest trends, there are a few points that are regularly overlooked in the production of learning videos, with a focus on user experience (UX) and user interaction 

People really enjoy watching videos. According to a survey conducted among consumers worldwide, respondents watched an average of 19 hours of online video content per week in 2022. And nearly half of all internet users watch online videos at least once a week.

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Total votes 28: ↑28 and ↓0+28

Designing for Success: Crafting Effective Learning Experiences

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time7 min

The Challenge of Mandatory Learning
Once we had several mandatory learning courses designed to be passed successfully by all employees. Still, many of them struggled to do so. Reminder emails to all participants could not solve the issue. And that is when my team was summoned to develop a thorough plan to reduce the number of overdue courses to a minimum. Of course, we were asked to develop something fun and engaging.

Uncovering the Root Problems
While working on the project, we managed to uncover several problems with course assignments, including the fact that they were not offered just in time, there were too many of them, and all of them had different due dates, which made it impossible to remember when to complete them. Additionally, we found that the content itself was often dry and unengaging, further contributing to the lack of motivation among employees. Finally, we came up with a system of notifications that included clear explanatory reminder emails, an escalation system, and a redesign of the course content to make it more interactive and relevant to employees' daily work. The result was almost no overdue courses after system integration.

The Myth of Mandatory Fun
So the case first seemed to be about motivation and engagement, but it is actually about smart course design that allows people to worry about work tasks instead of worrying about course assignments. It's also about creating content that resonates with the learners and helps them see the value in the training.

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Total votes 27: ↑27 and ↓0+27

Exploring Oslo A Fusion of Culture, Innovation, Nature, and Weather

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time3 min

Nestled amongst the serene fjords and picturesque landscapes of Norway, Oslo stands as a testament to the harmonious blend of modernity and tradition. This vibrant capital city, with its rich history dating back over a thousand years, offers visitors an unparalleled experience that seamlessly integrates culture, innovation, and the breathtaking beauty of nature, all under the ever-changing skies of its varied weather.

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Total votes 2: ↑2 and ↓0+3

Unveiling Switzerland: A Must-Visit Travel List

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time4 min

Switzerland: the very name conjures up images of pristine alpine landscapes, picturesque villages, and a sense of tranquility that seems to permeate the very air you breathe. It's a country that's often synonymous with beauty, precision, and adventure. Whether you're a nature enthusiast, a history buff, or simply seeking to indulge in some of the finest chocolates and cheeses the world has to offer, Switzerland has something for everyone. So, if you're planning a trip to this enchanting land, here's a curated list of must-visit destinations and experiences that will make your journey truly unforgettable. 

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Total votes 2: ↑1 and ↓1+2

The Role of the Technical Writer in the AI Revolution: Bridging the Gap between Technology and Communication

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time6 min

AI technologies offer unprecedented opportunities for innovation, efficiency, and growth in such industries as advanced machine learning algorithms or intelligent automation systems. However, to harness the power of AI, effective communication becomes paramount.

The growing impact of AI in modern business is undeniable. Organizations leverage AI to automate processes, gain insights from vast amounts of data, personalize customer experiences, and make informed decisions. Yet, the complex nature of AI technology often creates a significant gap between AI capabilities and the understanding of its users.

Here the role of a technical writer becomes crucial. Technical writers act as a bridge between AI technology and its users, ensuring that complex concepts have a clear, concise, and user-friendly manner of speaking. They are the main participants in making AI accessible to a broader audience, facilitating adoption, and maximizing its potential.

Effective communication is essential to reduce the gap between AI technology and its users. While AI systems may be sophisticated and comprehensive, their impact can be weak without proper understanding and utilization. Technical writers contribute to the success of AI implementations by translating complex AI concepts into easily digestible documentation, user manuals, tutorials, and other communication channels.

Furthermore, technical writers understand the importance of tailoring information for different audiences. They communicate with non-technical stakeholders, including executives, decision-makers, and end-users, who may lack extensive technical expertise. Using the AI capabilities, benefits, and potential limitations, technical writers empower these stakeholders to make informed decisions and embrace AI solutions.

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Langton's ant: a mystery cellular automaton

Reading time4 min

The life of Langton's Ant seems sad and lonely, but, as we'll soon discover, he is not ready to put up with such an outrageous situation and is trying his best to escape. American scientist Christopher Langton invented his ant back in 1986. Since then, no one has been able to explain the strange behavior of this mysterious model...

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Total votes 8: ↑8 and ↓0+8

Ten “Soft Skill” Job Interview Mistakes

Reading time10 min

A job interview is one of the most stressful life events. According to research IT specialists change their jobs every 2-3 years, and every tame they are faced with interviews with HR, tech leads and future managers. Artem Golovachev, Director of IT architecture at Innotech, shares his insights on how to successfully pass an interview.

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What causes testers and developers to feud and how to avoid it

Reading time5 min

Testers and developers are the driving force of any IT enterprise. Their work directly influences the quality of the final product. Pavel Petrov, our Lead tester-engineer of the risk detection monitoring service for corporate clients, shares his insights on building a productive relationship between two different IT camps.

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Total votes 3: ↑3 and ↓0+3

It's alive

Reading time2 min

I wonder why IT developer interviews are so strange most of the time. It feels as if the people are looking for computer science teachers, not engineers. All those theoretical questions that have no relation to the working reality. It is strange to be looking for eloquent teachers, who can perfectly explain any term or pattern, and then ask them to do the actual work. Maybe it is the imprint from the years spent in university when the teachers looked like all-knowing gods and seemed to solve any issue in your life. May be, may not. Anyway, these teachers stay in unis and don't do the work.

You know, what would be my universal answer to all interview questions? “I have no idea how and why it works, but I can use it, and I can use it for good”. This is the reality. Actually, no one knows exactly these hows and whys. What is a computer? What is electricity? What is an electron? No one knows for sure. But it works and we use it.

Imagine a famous author, like Stephen King, asked a question about the difference between deus ex machina and Mary Sue. Would his answer change the quality of his books? He may or he may not know all those scientific literature terms, but he can use the language and use it for good.

Every time I turn on my computer it is a wonder. I have no idea what is going on, but it awakes, it becomes alive, and I can communicate with it in its own sublime and subtle language.

Have you ever realised that all these electronic devices are monsters, Frankenstein's monsters? Some pieces of dead matter were put together, and then, with some electricity involved, it suddenly awoke. “It's alive!”. Had Frankenstein any idea why it turned alive? Of course not, or why he was so surprised? Every developer experiences this feeling almost every day. “It's working!”

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Total votes 5: ↑2 and ↓3+1

«If I had a heart...» Artificial Intelligence

Reading time8 min

Most people fear of artificial intelligence (AI) for the unpredictability of its possible actions and impact [1], [2]. In regard to this technology concerns are voiced also by AI experts themselves - scientists, engineers, among whom are the foremost faces of their professions [3], [4], [5]. And you possibly share these concerns because it's like leaving a child alone at home with a loaded gun on the table - in 2021, AI was first used on the battlefield in completely autonomous way: with an independent determination of a target and a decision to defeat it without operator participation [6]. But let’s be honest, since humanity has taken in the opportunities this new tool could give us, there is already no way back – this is how the law of gengle works [7].

Imagine the feeling of a caveman observing our modern routine world: electricity, Internet, smartphones, robots... etc. In the next two hundred years in large part thankfully to AI humankind will undergo the number of transformations it has since the moment we have learned to control the fire [8]. The effect of this technology will surpass all our previous changes as a civilization. And even as a species, because our destiny is not to create AI, but to literally become it.

... more, give me more, give me more ...

Agile English teaching. What is it?

Reading time4 min

Modern-day agile English teaching has come to take the place of rigid, cut-and-dried lessons that are fast becoming a thing of the past.

Let me clarify what I mean by agile teaching that is bound to substitute conventional teaching.

Some decades ago and up until recently it was perfectly valid to choose a certain textbook and go through it module by module together with your students (be it a group or individual learners). Given the abundance of high-quality materials readily accessible online and offline, it is completely unthinkable to proceed with this outdated approach.
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Total votes 1: ↑1 and ↓0+1

Post-cyberpunk: what you need to know about the latest trends in speculative fiction

Reading time5 min
Cyberpunk has become an integral part of our pop culture. Everyone is familiar with at least some works in the genre and their particular flavour of dystopian technologically advanced universes. But science fiction is always evolving. In this piece, we’ll be taking a look at cyberpunk’s successors and the futures they envision — from pan-African empires to shopping culture gone amok.

Total votes 6: ↑4 and ↓2+4

Weekend Picks: light reading for STEM majors

Reading time4 min
The weekend is upon us, and so is the paralysis that comes with having nothing to do. Fear not, our editorial team picked 9 books on science and tech worth picking up on a cold winter day. You’ll learn about the history of space exploration, join a physicist on a surprisingly science-appropriate hike, and more.

Total votes 14: ↑14 and ↓0+14

Hell or high water: history of Russian popular science literature

Reading time9 min
And our homeland's pushing us For reaching knowledge higher heights.

The available and interesting literature on science is a magic wand that helps the progress not to slow down and move forward. Thanks to interesting science literature, children begin to study voluntarily and with interest, while adults expand their horizons and do not allow the brain to relax. Biology, astronomy and mathematics supplant the saga about the elves and intergalactic ships. But while Western countries' nonfiction was always in smooth progress from Jules Verne to Eliezer S. Yudkowsky, then opposite it experienced both ups and downs in Russia.
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Total votes 22: ↑21 and ↓1+20

Pentesting Azure  — Thoughts on Security in Cloud Computing

Reading time3 min
A few months ago I worked with a customer on how a team should evaluate the security of their Azure implementation. I had never done a pentest(extensive security testing)on an Azure application before, so these ideas were just the thoughts off of the top of my head at that time based on my experience in security.

Matt Burrough’s book, Pentesting Azure Applications, goes even deeper and it is a must-read for security experts focused in Cloud Computing, I’m reading it right now.

Below I share with you these pre-book thoughts, and will compare them in a future article with the ones I will learn — or confirm — after reading Matt's book.

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Total votes 14: ↑13 and ↓1+12

Starting point

Reading time3 min
For a point of reference in the economy for a long time understood «the Wealth of Nations» by Adam Smith. In modern science, this point was transformed into GDP — Gross Domestic Product.

On the other hand, the benchmark in monetarism (Milton Friedman) and the Austrian School of Economics (Ludwig Heinrich Edler von Mises, Friedrich August von Hayek) is freedom. Economic and political freedom.

The third fashionable point at present is the concept of “The Happy Planet Index”.

Thus, there is no single point of reference.

Nevertheless, this point is easy enough to detect if you understand the basic principles of building a modern post-industrial democratic society. If you understand what is common in these models. Where is their common starting point.

The modern economic system, as well as the modern democratic system, were not created for themselves. They are made for people. And that means not a person for the state, but a state for a person. Laws are not to limit human freedoms, but to ensure respect for the rights and freedoms of each person, laws to increase the happiness and wealth of a person. Not GDP, but the wealth of each individual.

States are made up of people. No people — no state. Poor people are a poor state.


Wealth, happiness, human freedom — is the area of respect for his rights.

Thus, a common unifying point in economic and political reasoning and theories is in the field of human rights.
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Total votes 20: ↑18 and ↓2+16

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