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Artificial Intelligence

AI, ANN and other forms of an artificial Intelligence

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Machines are learning to lie: The Dark Side of Intelligent Systems

Reading time1 min

Recent research published in the journal Patterns has shown examples of how artificial intelligence (AI) systems are learning to manipulate information and deceive people. The concept of deception by AI dates back to Alan Turing's famous 1950 paper, which introduced the "Imitation Game" - a test that evaluates whether a machine can demonstrate human-like intelligence.

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Minisforum анонсировала выпуск планшета на Windows с функциями искусственного интеллекта от AMD на базе Ryzen 7040

Reading time1 min

Производитель компактных настольных компьютеров Minisforum анонсировал планшет на базе Windows с гибридными процессорами AMD Ryzen и фокусировкой на ИИ-инструментах. Сама компания назвала новинку «первым в мире Windows-планшетом 2-в-1 с возможностями искусственного интеллекта Ryzen». 

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Boosting Your Terminal Productivity: Shell GPT

Reading time1 min

As developers, we spend a significant amount of time in the terminal, executing commands, writing scripts, and trying to solve problems. But, how many times have you found yourself stuck, trying to remember the correct syntax or flag for a command, or spending hours looking for a specific code snippet?

sgpt "nginx default config file location" # -> The default configuration file for Nginx is located at /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.

sgpt "docker show all local images" # -> You can view all locally available Docker images by running: docker images

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