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High-level, interpreted programming language. It is a language which is also characterized as dynamic, weakly typed, prototype-based and multi-paradigm

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7 Best Practices Every Budding React.JS Developer Must Follow to Excel

Reading time4 min

With the advancement in web technology, the entire globe is sliding towards the online tech sphere. The globe around us is going tech-centric day by day and thus the demand for front-end designers and developers also.

Whatever, be the purpose, people just google things and get their desired result. This is all because of the increase in the evolution of web and mobile app development. While we all know that to be a Web developer, you need to have basic skills of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, but, with time React.js emerged into the technology stack of the web development field and outdated JavaScript.

A Report by JS reflects that 64.8% of the web developers prefer to use the React.JS framework and would love to use it again and again in the future. It has even beaten other categories of frameworks that are Vue.js with 28.8% votes and Angular with 23.9% votes. This is the reason why the demand for React.JS development companies is at an all-time high.


With React, it becomes painless to build an interactive user interface. It efficiently updates and renders the right components when changes are made.

Before you use React.js as web technology, let’s have a look at the practices that every React.js developer should follow to write better react codes for their application.
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Total votes 1: ↑1 and ↓0+1

7 Ultimate Programming languages For Mobile App Development

Reading time5 min

Do you know that 21% of people open an app 50+ times per day? Yes, you heard that right. With the rapid development of technology, the mobile app now made many things possible, which was previously unthinkable.

And that's why there is an incredible increase in the number of mobile users. According to a recent mobile app development stat, the number of mobile users worldwide is projected to increase to 6.95 billion by the end of 2020.

In the last couple of years, the mobile app development industry has grown manifold, changing how businesses function around the world. If you are planning to jump into mobile app development, then choosing the right programming language will be the most significant challenge.

There are more than 600 programming languages, and each one has its own perks and popularity. Are you pondering which language would be best for developing a stunning app?

Several factors come to mind when making this choice, but the most important one is the language's demand. Here in this blog, I have listed the best programming language for mobile apps in terms of popularity and demand. Let's start!
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11 Years Of Node.JS: Timeline & Significant Contributions

Reading time4 min

Do you know Node.js has turned 11 on 27th May 2020? Can’t believe we have stepped into a new decade of this technology? Okay! Let me tell you the truth and story behind it with this article.

JavaScript has come a long way with its constant bombardment of open-source frameworks. We all have embraced its journey, and Node.js is one of its prevalent and predominant innovations that knocked this tech arena on May 27th, 2009. So, technically and mathematically, both Node.js is 11 years old now.
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Total votes 4: ↑4 and ↓0+4

[Dribbble Challenge] — Coffee Ordering Animation

Reading time11 min

Tutorial level: Beginner/Junior


Sometimes, when we surf dribbble, uplabs and similar design clouds, we often find many concepts or prototypes with animations, micro interactions, application flow and so on.
I often find illustrations of mobile apps that are good and interesting, but of course they are still in the form of concept, so therefore, why don't we try to apply them as an interface for applications that we will build next.

Original concept

In the Dribbble Challenge we will try to build an interface for Coffee Ordering, as I found on Dribble.

GIF here

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Total votes 1: ↑1 and ↓0+1

Most Popular JS Frameworks Overview

Reading time6 min

JavaScript is a multi-paradigm language. It supports event-driven, functional, and imperative, including object-oriented and prototype-based, programming styles. JavaScript was initially used only for client side. These days JavaScript is used as a server-side programming language as well. To summarize in just one simple sentence — JavaScript is the language of the web.

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Total votes 2: ↑1 and ↓10

Why we love and choose Ruby instead of Node.js?

Reading time11 min

Choosing between Node.js and Ruby on Rails, when choosing a development platform, is a core decision. That affects how the project unfolds over time, and how much server resources will be needed. Both languages can support web applications of high complexity, but each has its advantages and disadvantages. Knowledge of these pros and cons will help to choose the best solution for the proposed project. Let's analyze in more detail and tell you about our choice and experience.

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Total votes 1: ↑1 and ↓0+1

Why I keep track of spendings in a personal app made with Git+JS

Reading time4 min

Hi, folks, let me share my experience of creating an application to keep track of my spendings. Specifically, let me do it by answering the following questions:

  1. Why keep track of spendings in an application?
  2. Why did I create the application as a personal project?
  3. Why does the project use Git+JS?

1. Why keep track of spendings in an application?

I, like many people out there, wanted to become rich and successful. To become rich, one is often advised to run a personal budget, that's what I started to do several years ago. I'd like to point out that running my personal budget hasn't made me rich and successful, and I increased income simply by moving to Moscow.


Why we fell in love with Vue.js?

Reading time7 min

Implementation a web UI is faced with more and more complex tasks that require the use of more and more complex tools. The trend of leaving the MVC application architecture, as well as the desire of developers to use separate libraries for each layer of tasks, led to changes, against which the Vue.JS framework appeared and became popular. Let's try to understand why Vue.JS appeared and what problems it carefully solves.

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Total votes 7: ↑7 and ↓0+7

About integration tests

Reading time2 min
[Previously] I was talking about combinatorial complexity of integration tests in multicomponent systems, so let me remind. Let's build a simple system with only 3 components inside. It can be three independent modules and we want to provide some communication between them (message passing good enough for the purpose of the example) So we have 3! = 6 possible configuration to test. Before going deeper lets see how Quicksort fights a combinatorial complexity.

[Quicksort] reduces complexity on each pass of a given input. So far so good. Let's imagine example with 10 elements. How many possible permutations do we have? you are right: 10! ~= 3,6 * 10^6. So on the first pass the complexity will be reduced: 5!*5!, on the next pass it will be further reduced till 2!*3!*2!*3!… after logn times we will have 1!*1!*1!...1! = 1 possible position, and our given input is sorted. Gotcha. (attentive reader can mention about worst case scenario of quicksort, but lets discuss it someday) Coming back to our example…
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Total votes 3: ↑3 and ↓0+3

About Testing

Reading time2 min
Let's talk about Testing, about unit and integration tests which everyone here, i hope, likes to write.

Despite of lots of benefits, tests have two fundamental problems: there is no architecture at all (quality), nobody knows what is the meaning of the quantity.

Tests have a cost. Lets imagine dialog between manager and developer:
— John, how many hours does it take to implement?
— Approximately one week: 1,5 day for task and 3,5 days to write tests

So why people write tests? Let's try to build a mental model: we delivered a component, our beta testers found a bug, we wrote tests scenario. So, next time we try to deliver the same component, we already know about bad scenario and have automation to check it. So far so good. Next, we are trying to predict future bugs by writing lot's of tests and cover bad scenarios. Next, we deliver better components, users are happy. Profit. (Despite of all pros, the solution is not scalable — with every new component we will face a reality).
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Total votes 4: ↑2 and ↓2+2

Queue Implementation in JavaScript / Algorithm and Data Structure

Reading time4 min
What do you imagine when you hear the word "Queue"? If you are not familiar with Programming you maybe think about the queue in shop or hospital. But if you are a programmer you associate it 99% with Data Structures and Algorithms. Whoever you are, today we will discuss how to implement Queue Data Structure in JavaScript and what are its differences with a simple Array. Let's get started!

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Total votes 5: ↑0 and ↓5-5

What does «clean code» mean in 2020?

Reading time9 min

«Clean Code» and a clean cat

There is nothing developers enjoy better than arguing about clean code: Dan Abramov, for example, has recently fueled the hype with his blog post, «Goodbye, Clean Code».

However, “clean code” per se doesn’t even have a clear definition. The main book on the subject is Clean Code, where Robert «Uncle Bob» Martin states that there are perhaps as many definitions as there are programmers. But he doesn’t walk away from the fact with a conclusion that there’s no reason to discuss clean code, rather — compare several definitions and highlight general ideas. Therefore he cites the views of several outstanding programmers on what clean code is.

So we have also become interested in what people in 2020 think of clean code. Have the views changed since the publication of the book? Do opinions vary in different IT fields (maybe backend developers perceive the idea of clean code differently from testers)?

This spring, Uncle Bob comes to St. Petersburg to give talks at our three conferences: they are about .NET development, testing and JavaScript. Therefore, we’ve asked speakers from each of those conferences to share their opinion on clean code so we could compare the opinions of the industry experts in 2020.

We've already published the results in Russian, and here's the English version. Since the topic is known to provoke discussions, feel free to give your own definition or argue about those already given!

UPD: When we posted this article, Uncle Bob had our conferences in his schedule. Unfortunately, the situation has changed. We updated this post on March 12, to avoid any misunderstanding.

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Total votes 10: ↑10 and ↓0+10

Quick Sort Algorithm in JavaSript (pivot as the first element + pivot as the random element)

Reading time5 min


Quick Sort is one of the most famous and effective Sorting Algorithms. The comprehension of how it works will undoubtedly help you in your JavaScript learning. Also, questions on algorithms are popular in job interviews, so there is a big chance you will be asked to describe how Quick Sort works.

I’m sure that I convinced you that Quick Sort is important. Let’s start!

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Total votes 5: ↑3 and ↓2+3

Eliminating Render-Blocking JavaScript and CSS on WordPress

Reading time4 min

Outstanding loading speed is an essential website feature for a high ranking in SERP (Search Engine Result Pages). PageSpeed Insights by Google is an excellent tool for precisely that — optimizing your website’s loading speed. Let’s say you’re using this tool and get the “Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content” warning. No need to worry! In this tutorial, I will show you how to address the issue.

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Prettier is a Must-Have for Large-Scale Projects: Spent 20 Minutes Setting It Up and Forgot About Formatting for a Year

Reading time3 min
Many dev teams get split over formatting. And their typical day looks like this: you come to work, have some coffee, write some code, everything’s fine — then bam! Code review where you’re told you put a brace in the wrong place.


It was an everyday reality for one of Skyeng dev teams a year ago. Then someone had enough and said, “Guys, from now on we use Prettier. Is everyone ok with that?” And then there were no more debates about formatting. We’ve installed Prettier in the frontend repo and all the teams use it.
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Total votes 6: ↑5 and ↓1+8

Node.JS Frameworks Which Will Rule In 2020

Reading time6 min
  • Looking for the best node.js framework for web or mobile application development?
  • Searching for top node.js frameworks for the year 2020?
  • Hunting for topmost node.js frameworks to stay ahead in the competition? 

Here, in this blog, you will get the answers to all such questions. Let's quickly dive into it!

What is a Node.js Framework?

Node.js framework is a combination of libraries, helpers, and tools that offer a way to create and operate web applications in an uncomplicated manner. A node.js framework builds the base layer for creating a web app. 

The most important aspects of node.js framework, like any web framework, are its architecture and features such as support for customization, flexibility, security, compatibility with other libraries. 
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Total votes 6: ↑3 and ↓3+2

Is interactivity a major factor for an app’s success?

Reading time4 min
Psychology plays an important role in the success of any marketing strategy. Attracting people to your app needs the right psychological approach. Human behaviors are highly crucial which are required to be considered while forming strategies.

Simplest thing in application affects their interactivity greatly. For example, even the number of notifications, as well as the time at which they will be sent, have a strong impact. According to a survey, 60% of respondents have a preference for what time of day they receive notifications.

This indicates that the way an app will communicate with users will have an immense effect on its success or failure. Do you know what are the factors that affect the interactivity of your app? Apart from that, how can you make an app interactive?
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Total votes 7: ↑7 and ↓0+7

React Token Auth

Reading time10 min


Authorization is one of the first problems developers face upon starting a new project. And one of the most common types of authorization (from my experience) is the token-based authorization (usually using JWT).

From my perspective, this article looks like "what I wanted to read two weeks ago". My goal was to write minimalistic and reusable code with a clean and straightforward interface. I had the next requirements for my implementation of the auth management:

  • Tokens should be stored in local storage
  • Tokens should be restored on page reload
  • Access token should be passed in the network requests
  • After expiration access token should be updated by refresh token if the last one is presented
  • React components should have access to the auth information to render appropriate UI
  • The solution should be made with pure React (without Redux, thunk, etc..)
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Total votes 6: ↑4 and ↓2+2

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