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Lisp: Write Programs that Write Programs for You

Artificial Intelligence is a very big industry today and we hear about it in every product we use. However, to date, AI typically refers to «machine learning» models that use probability theory to determine what to do. For example, if you buy books on mathematics, Amazon may have calculated that your chance of buying a physics book is 70% and a biology book is 20%. Hence, it will show you physics books in your feed, as it gives them a higher change to making a sale.

The ultimate frontier of Artificial Intelligence is where programs «think» for themselves. Not based on probability of prior events to guess the chance, but rather using logic and reasoning like humans do. This is a very far away place — but that makes today the best time to get into the field!

The purpose of this post is to ask you to spend just 2 days, a weekend or a few evenings after work, to learn one of the most powerful programming languages available today — Common Lisp.

The beauty of Lisp is that it has the most advanced methods for treating programming code as data itself, such that you can write programs that themselves manipulate source code. What this means is, with sufficient understanding, you will be able to write programs that write programs for you — the next frontier of automation and artificial intelligence. A real life Matrix.

The easiest way to get started with Lisp is with Portacle, link: portacle.github.io

The following guide book is only 52 pages long — why not try it and get introduced to this wonderful language. If you can dedicate just a little bit of time, it could open your doors to a new way of programming and help you for the rest of your career. It won't teach you to write advanced AI programs, but it will be the first step on your journey and hopefully with time you will see that Lisp was a great companion for this journey. To me, it was, and hence I'm sharing the below with you.


If you this tutorial helped you, please do star the repo: github.com/ashok-khanna/common-lisp-by-example.
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