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Hany Hamed @hany606

CS Bachelor student

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I am using Google Translate to translate the comments. Innopolis University (our university) is an international university and all the courses, curriculums, lectures and everything are only in English.

Thank you very much for these information. Our team will read this and try to find out the best values for the project.

As I understand from the translated text. We wrote a python script to compare our results of work with OpenCV results to ensure the performance and the accuracy of our work. And all our codes of Verilog on Github and the link: https://github.com/hany606/Real-time-edge-detection-on-FPGA it is also included in the article.
Thank you very much.

Yes, our course project is to create the project then write an article on habr but our team is only two people and both of us don't know Russian. So, we wrote it in English. Thank you.

Yes, there are a lot of simpler ways to do this as you said. But we were exploring the usage of PLL configuration tool that exists in IP catalog tool in Quartus Software. And I agree with you that this may seem to overkill the task and it is not the good practice to do it and in our future work, we will try to follow the good practices as we are still learning.
Thank you very much for this point.
I hope that I understand your comment correctly using Google translate.

Yes, it is indeed a simple CV task and this is a just simple model for implementing the edge detection algorithm and in future, we hope to enhance in it using a different camera and different techniques. And yes, as you said it is just our course project as we mentioned in the article. But we choose this kind of projects as the first real practical project for us as a base to research and develop more in this area.
It is just the beginning of our work.
Thank you for your support and I hope that our future work will please you.

Yes, and the video illustrated our results.


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Иннополис, Татарстан, Россия
Date of birth