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Как собирать статистику по pytest-прогонам в Test IT

Время на прочтение6 мин
Количество просмотров4.2K
Всего голосов 12: ↑11 и ↓1+10

Комментарии 6

Импортзамещение в действии? Я так полагаю, ТестИт - это аналог тестрейла?

Да, это отечественная система управления тестированием

is_test_it = eval(getenv('TEST_IT', 'False'))

Вот прям вот так вот?

Интересно было бы посмотреть на ту информацию, которую сохраняет TestIt в результатах прогона автотестов.

Сравнить, например, с Allure.

Добрый день!
Вот тело POST запроса "Set Auto Test Results For TestRuns" /api/v2/testRuns/{testRunID}/testResults

	    "configurationId": "a1833421-b787-46e4-9251-6a2a9c8e55c1",
	    "links": [
	        "title": "string",
	        "url": "https://google.com/",
	        "description": "This link leads to google main page (no advertising)",
	        "type": "Related",
	        "hasInfo": true
	    "failureReasonNames": [
	    "autoTestExternalId": "10001",
	    "outcome": "Passed",
	    "message": "a1833421-b787-46e4-9251-6a2a9c8e55c1",
	    "traces": "Exception in thread main java.lang.NullPointerException at com.example.myproject.MyTest.HealtCheck()",
	    "startedOn": "2022-11-06T03:35:21.3545266+00:00",
	    "completedOn": "2022-11-06T03:35:21.3545266+00:00",
	    "duration": 10987,
	    "attachments": [
	        "id": "a1833421-b787-46e4-9251-6a2a9c8e55c1"
	    "parameters": {
	      "additionalProp1": "string",
	      "additionalProp2": "string",
	      "additionalProp3": "string"
	    "properties": {
	      "additionalProp1": "string",
	      "additionalProp2": "string",
	      "additionalProp3": "string"
	    "stepResults": [
	        "title": "Final autotest step",
	        "description": "This step must be the las one",
	        "startedOn": "2022-11-06T03:35:21.3545266+00:00",
	        "completedOn": "2022-11-06T03:35:21.3545266+00:00",
	        "duration": 100000,
	        "outcome": "Passed",
	        "attachments": [
	            "id": "a1833421-b787-46e4-9251-6a2a9c8e55c1"
	        "parameters": {
	          "additionalProp1": "string",
	          "additionalProp2": "string",
	          "additionalProp3": "string"
	    "setupResults": [
	        "title": "Final autotest step",
	        "description": "This step must be the las one",
	        "startedOn": "2022-11-06T03:35:21.3545266+00:00",
	        "completedOn": "2022-11-06T03:35:21.3545266+00:00",
	        "duration": 100000,
	        "outcome": "Passed",
	        "attachments": [
	            "id": "a1833421-b787-46e4-9251-6a2a9c8e55c1"
	        "parameters": {
	          "additionalProp1": "string",
	          "additionalProp2": "string",
	          "additionalProp3": "string"
	    "teardownResults": [
	        "title": "Final autotest step",
	        "description": "This step must be the las one",
	        "startedOn": "2022-11-06T03:35:21.3545266+00:00",
	        "completedOn": "2022-11-06T03:35:21.3545266+00:00",
	        "duration": 100000,
	        "outcome": "Passed",
	        "attachments": [
	            "id": "a1833421-b787-46e4-9251-6a2a9c8e55c1"
	        "parameters": {
	          "additionalProp1": "string",
	          "additionalProp2": "string",
	          "additionalProp3": "string"
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