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Android Robotics up to 2019: The real story; in 5 parts; part 1

Reading time23 min

Quite a long time ago, seven years ago to be precise, i wrote a series of posts describing the state of android robotics in the world. At the time i was a high school student, with a keen interest in android robotics, who absorbed a bit of knowledge from English, Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Russian internetz and wanted to spill it somewhere.

While the posts were not too professional, and not to my standards of today, they were worthy enough to get stolen and even get translated by unapproved English Habrahabr mirrors, and to this day, appear in searches.

After those posts were written, Habrahabr got split. Removal of everyone outside of pure coding who were considered «not cake enough» to Geektimes felt like an insult and so i left the platform. Yet, the website was reunited last year, and much to a personal surprise, fairly recently an English version of Habrahabr was released.

During all these years i managed to be kicked from one university, finished another with a thick thesis on «Usage of Robotics in Disaster Conditions», lived in the Republic of Korea for half a year, and most importantly, not only expanded my knowledge of android robotics in such ways that the Robotics folder on the main hard drive is now more than 300GB in size, but also expanded the knowledge via journeying and personally meeting projects of the past and present, creating quite a decent archive on Youtube and met not only with the robots, but the engineers and scientists as well.

While i am still nowhere to be a robotics engineer, (and in the daily life i attempt to be a traditional slice-of-life artist), i feel that my tiny gigabytes of knowledge might be worthy of sharing, and today on Habr i'm publishing the real story of Android Robotics from the beginning up to 2019.
Total votes 18: ↑17 and ↓1+16

WAF through the eyes of hackers

Reading time21 min
Today we’re going to talk about one of the modern security mechanism for web applications, namely Web Application Firewall (WAF). We’ll discuss modern WAFs and what they are based on, as well as bypass techniques, how to use them, and why you should never entirely rely on WAF. We’re speaking from the pentesters’ perspective; we’ve never developed WAFs and only collected data from open sources. Thus, we can only refer to our own experience and may be unaware of some peculiarities of WAFs.
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Total votes 13: ↑9 and ↓4+5

Старый компьютер, Windows XP, 512 Мб оперативки, Firefox и интернет

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time127 min
Несмотря на пройденное время, многие по прежнему ещё пользуются Windows XP. Кто-то вынужден работать на этой ОС или обслуживать такие компьютеры, у кого-то может быть хобби восстановления старых ПК, некоторых полностью устраивает Windows XP или же из-за своих финансовых или прочих убеждений они не хотят менять старого верного «друга» на нового.
Эта статья, возможно поможет многим обладателям старых компьютеров открыть «второе дыхание» своим музейным экспонатам.

Так как оптимизация такого старого оборудования носит комплексный характер, статья будет состоять из нескольких глав:

— Firefox
— Дополнения к браузеру
— Драйверы
— WindowsXP
— Советы по аппаратной части
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Total votes 47: ↑38 and ↓9+29

How to climb a tree

Reading time20 min

Picture 2

Rather, how to get down from it. But first things first. This article stands out a bit of the usual format of articles from PVS-Studio. We often write about checking other projects, but almost never lift the veil on our inner workings. It's time to rectify this omission and talk about how the analyzer is built from the inside. More precisely, about the most important of its parts — the syntax tree. The article will focus on the part of PVS-Studio that relates to the C and C++ languages.
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