Появилось желание сделать свое приложение — быстро дешево и максимально полезно. Начал собирать информацию о современных инструментах разработки. Чтобы не потерять, а так же получить отзывы, мнения, комментарии и вообще любую полезную информацию, оформил в виде статьи.
Планирую использовать некоторые инструменты, и позже написать по ним более развернутый обзор. Итак, встречайте
1. Appmakr
Платформы: iOS
Стоимость: free-$999, FREE- if you submit yourself to your own app store
Дополнительные услуги: Бесплатный доступ к ресурсам сайта.
Описание: Appmakr.com — веб-приложение, которое поможет вам создать приложения для айфона быстро и просто.
Замечания: Если вы не знаете как создать приложение для айфона, вы можете запросить помощь по телефону.
Владельцы могут размещать рекламу в своих приложениях и зарабатывать на ней.
2. AppsBuilder
Платформы: Native iOS, Native Android, WebApp
Стоимость: 100% FREE — 15$/m ADV Free
Дополнительные возможности: Бесплатный доступ к ресурсам сайта.
Описание: cоздания приложений и веб-приложений в 3 шага для андроид, iphone, IPAD и таблеток. Возможность вставлять изображения, видеоклипы, музыку и многое другое
Заметки: Узнайте в режиме реального времени, кто использует приложения, чем они заинтересованы и где они находятся. Владельцы могут размещать рекламу в своих приложениях и зарабатывать на ней.
3. Bizness Apps
Платформы: iPhone,IPad,Android, HTML5
Стоимость: От $ 39 в месяц
Описание: Biznessapps этого приложения является простым и доступным решением для предприятий, для создания и управления приложениями для iPhone, iPad, Android.
Заметки: Узнайте в режиме реального времени, кто использует приложения, чем они заинтересованы и где они находятся. Владельцы могут размещать рекламу в своих приложениях и зарабатывать на ней.
4. Buildanapp
Платформы: iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Mobile Web
Стоимость: за $ 49 отсуствие рекламы, $ 49 за публикацию Android, $ 149 за публикацию App Store
Дополнительные возможности: Бесплатный доступ к ресурсам сайта.
Описание: Построить свое приложение в шесть простых шагов. Создайте свое приложение для iPhone, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, Android, и мобильного интернет.
Заметки: BuildAnApp позволяет приложению создатель развивать электронную почту список рассылки для управления конечным пользователям загружать приложения. После этого содержание приложение может автоматически обновляться в течение дня. Владельцы могут рекламировать свои предложение, чтобы заработать на ней.
5. Buzz Touch
Платформы: iOS, Android
Стоимость: Бесплатное создание мобильных приложений на buzztouch.com.
Описание: Amazing tool miles different than any others I've found. These guys provide the actual source code to apps created on their site. As a designer and web-developer I have found their resources invaluable.
Заметки: Gives you a list of features to add to your app — very basic stuff like, location, call, email, YouTube and other streaming video/audio, RSS, share, etc. — Not industry specific needs.Owners can advertise their proposal has.
6. Cabana
Платформы: iOS, Android, web
Стоимость: Бесплатная бета-версия и полная версия за $25
Описание: Graphical tool for UI layout.In the main application manufacturer, built for designers, not programmers.
Заметки: Owners can advertise their proposal has.
7. iBuildApp
Платформы: iPhone, iPad (Android to come, mobile sites in development)
Стоимость: free to create, free to publish under your dev account, free to host
Описание: -iBuildApp, a free Do It Yourself platform for building native mobile application, allows individuals, publishers and corporations to create, customize and manage their own iPhone/iPad/Android application via online application creation engine and host in our CMS. User-friendly interface makes it easy and affordable for any business to create and manage mobile applications.
iBuildApp developed a mobile community to create mobile prilozheniy.ations.
Заметки: the source code is provided for free once the app is build. API and SDK in development.There is a handy preview function
8. iFactr
Платформы: iPhone, iPad, Android, WM7, Palm, Desktop, Web
Описание: Build Breackthrough apps. With it’s single codebase, amazing futures, and abstract UI model, iFacktr is the framework for cross-platform application deployment
9. iSites.us Genwi
Платформы: iPhone, Android, iPad
Стоимость: $9.99/month for Instant app, $49/month for Android app and Instant app, $99/month + $600 set-up fee for iPhone, Android and Instant app.
Описание: The idea is to offer an easy way for traditional media publishers to port their content to iPad/iPhone/Android via web based interface.
Заметки: Seems to be just an RSS reader with push notifications and some analytics tools — je. Applications may also include a variety of profitable business opportunities such as advertising, coupons, In-App Subscriptions etc.
10. Kanchoo
Платформы: iPhone
Стоимость: Our fees are US$88 for application creation and US$28/month for hosting and bandwidth.
Описание: -We want to offer Newspaper/Catalog-powered web sites for publishers based on their iPad apps content
Заметки: Looks like another RSS app.
11. Magmito
Платформы: Cross Platform: Symbian, Java, Blackberry, Droid, Windows, iPhone
Стоимость: FREE with advertising, $399 without. Create your application with our advertising for free, without ads $ 99 per month
Описание: Easy to usMagmito Application Developer Certification Programe (web-based), fully functional (video, RSS, mobile coupon, tell-a-friend viral component, map, feedback forms), variable distribution (auto generated QR code for each app, GetJar app store integration, Facebook posting, built in SMS engine). WINNER of Frost & Sullivan Best Enabling Mobile Tech of Year award, Scandinavia Best Business Mobile Solution and 2010 MobileTrax Best App Creation Tool for Marketing.
Заметки: Same basic set of features as most other apps -je. MAD program allows you to easily create applications using the features of advanced tools and allows you to Magmito promote its range of professional services
12. Mippin
Платформы: iPhone, Android, Nokia, Blackberry, Samsung and Sony Ericsson .Building applications for iPhone, Android, WP7, HTML5.
Стоимость: LAUNCHED. Free access to the site.
Описание: Create high-quality mobile apps. Build your own branded app
Deliver news from your website, posts from your blog or images from your photo collection
Заметки: The ability to create applications for any platform.
13. Mobbase
Платформы: iPhone,iOS,Android
Стоимость: www.mobbase.com/pricing
Описание: $20 to activate then $15-20/mo. MobBase apps are available for the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch, Android devices (OS 2.2 or later), and desktop computers. Apps are currently distributed through iTunes, Android Market and Intel AppUp.
Заметки: A social media app pulling content from youtube, flickr, twitter, etc.
14. MobiCart
Платформы: N
ative apps:
iPhone — Live
iPad — Q1 2011
Android — Q1 2011
BlackBerry — Q3 2011
Windows Mobile — Q3 2011
Web apps:
HTML5 web app — Q2 2011
Стоимость: FREE / Open source. Free access to the site.
Описание: MobiCart is a free and simple way for you to build and manage your m-commerce store as a native or web app. MobiCart works on its own, or link it up to your existing website.
MobiCart is a startup that is taking m-commerce to a new level of personalization by enabling anyone to quickly deploy a native storefront application on mobile devices. MobiCart is a completely free solution that combines a customized application development platform with an online ecosystem for sharing extensions.
15. Mobile App America
Платформы: Mobile Web
Стоимость: Free Trial for 30 days, and then $4.99 a month
Описание: Beta version of our Automated Mobile Web Engine. Can you financially afford to ignore your mobile traffic? MobileAppAmerica is using a patent pending technology to help you instantly Convert your Website to Mobile. Websites converted with MWA's technology work with over 2,000 mobile devices.
Заметки: Beta version of our Automated Mobile Web Engine. Can you financially afford to ignore your mobile traffic? MobileAppAmerica is using a patent pending technology to help you instantly Convert your Website to Mobile. Websites converted with MWA's technology work with over 2,000 mobile devices.
16. Mobile Content.Com
Платформы: SMS, USSD, IVR
Стоимость: Free Trial for 30 days, and then $4.99 a month
Описание: Our services build a crucial link to entertainment and information for mobile users and MC.C has continuous pioneered lifestyle changing mobile-based products in Ghana and selected West African markets.
Заметки: Takes a leading role in the development of VAS-services for GSM mobile telephony in Ghana, MC.C a range of services, ranging from financial, media, education, faith in sports, in the end, MCC provides a platform for the 15 million mobile subscribers in Ghana to use their phones in a greatly expanded ways.
17. Mobile Nation
Платформы: Mobile Web
Стоимость: There is a free version with reduced capabilities and charged with the full range of services.
Описание: MobileNation provides a powerful drag-and-drop environment for designing bespoke mobile applications all within your web browser.
Заметки: There are training video tutorials and technical support.
18. Mobile Roadie
Платформы: iPhone, Android, Blackberry
Стоимость: Starts at: $499 set up, $29/mo, .01 per download over 1,000 / or $1,200/year
Описание: Seem like a high-end app creation and hosting service.
19. Mobile Store Maker
Платформы: iPhone, Android
Стоимость: mobileroadie.com/home/pricing
Описание: Sign up for Mobile Store Maker and bring your products to millions of people.
Заметки: Meet our many great partners that enrich your Mobile Roadie app.
20. MobileAppLoader
Платформы: iPhone, iPad, Android
Стоимость: mobileroadie.com/home/pricing
Описание: No technical skills are needed. Just follow our simple App-in-a-Snap™ wizard. MobileAppLoader will build and post your App directly to the App Store.
Заметки: They list a number of different apps for specific businesses: mobileapploader.com/myapp/AppListStart.aspx — you pay a monthly fee and MobileAppLoader branding is all over the app, unless you pay $250 to remove it. So far, this is the closest I've see to what we've discussed — however, you can't pick and choose which modules you want, you just have to go up to a higher level. For example, if you want notifications you'll have to pay for the highest level ($150 setup + 12.99/mo) and you'll have to take social media with you. Not every company uses, or has time to use, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
21. Mobincube
Платформы: iPhone, iPad, Windows Mobile
Android, Blackberry, Symbian
Samsung, Nokia, LG, HTC ,JAVA compatibility
Стоимость: www.mobincube.com/pricing-mobile-applications.html
Описание: Mobincube is a website that allows anyone with no technical knowledge to develop advanced applications for mobiles and smartphones due to its visual interfaces. And also enables anyone to design these applications in a simple way.Create your applications in 4 steps.
22. Mobtify
Платформы: iPhone, iPad, Windows Mobile
Android, Blackberry, Symbian
Стоимость: www.mobtify.com/build-now — currently $300 + $49.95/month
Описание: The MOST powerful iPhone app builder. User-friendly interface makes it easy and affordable for any business to create and manage mobile applications.
Заметки: This does everything all the others do, but with worse pricing. Our monthly fee covers as many downloads as you can get.
23. Mockup Builder
Платформы: web-site
Стоимость: Free access to the site.
Описание: Design your software or website mockups within minutes
Заметки: A large amount of learning material, which includes video lessons and illustrative examples of the construction.
24. MonoDroid
Платформы: Android, IOS, WM7…
Стоимость: Professional ($ 399.00), Enterprise ($ 999.00), Enterprise Priority ($ 2499.00), Professional Pack ($ 249.00), Enterprise Upgrade ($ 599.00), Enterprise Priority Pack ($ 1499.00).
Описание: MonoDroid is a development stack for using C# and core .NET APIs to develop Android and IOS based applications.
Заметки: Button management software. Use XCode 4 and the powerful UI Designer to create interfaces and Storyboards that automatically sync with your MonoTouch project.
25. MonoTouch
Платформы: iPhone/Web.
Стоимость: $399 and up.
Описание: .NET/C# for iPhone. Full native API support.
26. MoSync
Платформы: iPhone, iPad, Andriod, WinMobile 5, 6, Symbian 2,3 & 5 ed, j2me, Moblin 2.x.
Стоимость: Dual licensed open source GPL / commercial starts at €199 per year allowing closed sourced apps. www.mosync.com/mosync-dual-licence-model.
Описание: MoSync transforms a single C/C+ source code into native binary executables, integrated w. Eclipse. Based on open standards. MoSync is developed by a dedicated and enthusiastic team of developers who are committed to making the development of mobile applications faster, easier, and more cost-efficient.
Заметки: Single self contained download at Github. MoSync includes many guides, tutorials, reference manuals, glossaries, and code examples. Here we provide an overview of all the documentation available for our latest feature releases, including how to install MoSync, how to start up and use the MoSync IDE, how to write programs with it, and how to build your applications for multiple devices.
27. My App Builder
Платформы: iPhone, Android
Стоимость: $ 29/month
Описание: Although the iTunes App Store is generating A enormous amount of attention, the average person has not been able sell their content (books, music, videos, etc.) in the App Store for two main reasons. 1.) It's too complicated to develop an app yourself. 2.) It's too expensive to pay someone to develop an app for you. With our new publishing platform that is now available for $29/month, we remove both of these obstacles. When you sign up for out monthly service, we will actually build your iPhone/iPod Touch Apps for you! Just get us your content (videos, books, etc.) and we will take care of the rest. This advantage of Apple's wildly popular iTunes Store that you won't find anywhere else. Don't be behind the curve on this opportunity. You no longer need a technical background or a small fortune to develop your own iPhone/iPod Touch applications. Local bands are creating there own albums into apps. Authors are turning their books into apps. Video collections are being turned into apps. Access to the product that everyone is talking about is now just $29/month!
Заметки: Looks like the have a few pre-made apps that they reuse. 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
28. nov8rix
Платформы: iphone
Стоимость: nov8rix.cloudapp.net/Pricing.aspx
Описание: Getting your own Nov8rix app is simple!
29. NS Basic
Платформы: iOS, Android, Blackberry, WebOS
Стоимость: $99.95 introductory as well as a demo version.
Описание: NS Basic/App Studio is a complete development environment that lets you develop apps on Windows for mobile devices. Programming language is a large subset of Visual Basic or JavaScript. Use Geolocation and Google Maps, WebKit, HTML5 features, royalty free distribution, Lots of sample code, 200 page Handbook. Can be used with PhoneGap.
Заметки: NS Basic/App Studio is a complete, powerful development environment. Create your app on your desktop, then download to your device and run.
30. OpenPlug
Платформы: iPhone/iPad/Android beta, Symbian, WIndows Mobile alpha, Samsung bada
Стоимость: developer.openplug.com/download/pricing
Описание: OpenPlug’s mobile software turns every device into a smart device. It allows developers to write applications once and convert application code into native software that runs on any leading mobile device operating system, including iPhone®, Android®, Symbian®, Windows Mobile®, and Linux®.
Заметки: Button management software, with a monthly cost. Distribute your apps through application stores.
31. PhoneGap
Платформы: iPhone/iPod touch, iPad, Google Android, Palm, Symbian and Blackberry
Стоимость: Open Source
Описание: PhoneGap is an HTML5 app platform that allows you to author native applications with web technologies and get access to APIs and app stores. PhoneGap leverages web technologies developers already know best… HTML and JavaScript.
Заметки: PhoneGap Support subscriptions deliver exclusive tools, technical support and learning opportunities that lead PhoneGap developers through app design, development, testing and deployment.
32. PhoneGap Build
Платформы: Android, Symbian, Blackberry, Palm (WP7, iOS, MeeGo, bada coming soon)
Стоимость: free in beta, free for open source; pricing not announced
Описание: Say goodbye to SDKs, compilers and hardware. Simply write your app using HTML, CSS or JavaScript, upload it to the PhoneGap Build service and get back app-store ready apps for Google Android, Palm, Symbian, BlackBerry and more. PhoneGap is a standards-based, open-source development framework for building cross-platform mobile apps with HTML, CSS and JavaScript for iPhone/iPad, Google Android, Palm, Symbian, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile and more.
Заметки: Proud to offer debug build for PhoneGap Build users. This service enables users to debug and interactively modify their applications during runtime; this new addition offers similar functionality to those found in Firebug and Google Chrome Inspector, which serve as an indispensable tool to developers working on web based projects. And now debug build provides the same benefits for PhoneGap developers.
33. Phonsai
Платформы: 99% all platforms
Стоимость: free
Описание: Phonsai is a web-based application which lets you design your own mobile applications without any programming skills. Phonsai is one of the first examples of UGC (User Generated Content) for mobile platforms and also Mobile DIY (Do It Yourself) forLCD (Lowest Common Denominator).
Заметки: Your mobile applications that are developed by Phonsai will run on approximately 2000 different phone models. Phonsai is a developing platform. Phonsai team is adding new devices to its compatibility list each day.
34. Pieceable
Платформы: iPhone/Web
Стоимость: pieceable.com/plan
Описание: Pieceable is a service that lets you build native iPhone applications without programming. You focus on the content and styling — we provide the raw functionality.
Заметки: There are training video tutorials and technical support.
35. Point Reach
Платформы: iPhone, Android, Windows Phone, mobile web
Стоимость: free
Описание: Ads, apps, and online: great creative, smart media buying, and insightful analytics add up to effective integrated campaigns
36. Rhomobile
Платформы: Phone, Windows Mobile, RIM, Symbian and Android
Стоимость: Open Source under MIT License
Описание: Quickly create NATIVE smartphone apps on RhoHub with the award-winning Rhodes framework. Build online without installing SDKs locally, including build iPhone apps from Windows-based PCs. It also gives you a hosted RhoConnect server for enterprise app integration and sync. Finally, it provides galleries that allow you to manage apps for your users whether or not they were written with Rhodes.
Заметки: Does not support Symbian actually. A large number of instructions for building applications
37. Ripple emulator
Платформы: PhoneGap (iPhone, Blackberry, Android), WAC, Mobile web, HTML5 mobile apps
Стоимость: Free while in Beta.
Описание: Ripple is a Mobile Environment Emulator that allows the developers to test and debug their cross-platform applications in one place. Ripple helps them deal with the fragmentation as well as see what’s going on “under the hood” of their applications. They can now focus on what’s important: Building awesome mobile apps!
Заметки: Weekly updates give you seamless and instant access to new features and enhancements.
38. Roambi
Платформы: iPhone / iPad
Стоимость: Free.
Описание: Roambi mobile business applications set your information free, giving you up-to-the-minute and engaging company reports and data — anytime, anywhere.
Заметки: Roambi is an innovative business app that transforms your company's reports and data into immersive mobile analytics that leave traditional
39. RunRev
Платформы: iPhone/iPad/Android
Стоимость: Free trial
$99 one seat, personal license
$499 commercial license
Описание: RunRev's Live code gives you compile-free coding, English-like programming language, and cross-platform development. Use the same code to deploy to multiple mobile platforms, while taking advantage of the many OS-specific features on each device
Заметки: Editor's Choice from MacUser Magazine, Jan. 2011
Video: build an iPhone App in 3 hours: bit.ly/hu16VZ
Video: App from concept to store: bit.ly/dPaIt2
40. Saasmob
Платформы: iOS, Android, Symbian, RIM, Palm and Windows Mobile
Стоимость: Flexible options including transactional pricing available. Smart App-$99/month/app
Описание: Software-as-a-Service model for lower upfront investment, quicker deployment
Native as well as browser access
Broadest device support
Lower Total Cost of Ownership (up to 80% less)
Заметки: Editor's Choice from MacUser Magazine, Jan. 2011
Video: build an iPhone App in 3 hours: bit.ly/hu16VZ
Video: App from concept to store: bit.ly/dPaIt2. The secret sauce behind our cloud offerings is a collection of pre-built components, built upon open industry standards like HTML5, Javascript, J2EE, XML and web services. These include:
Native client with UI, sync, local db and native hooks for iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Palm WebOS, Symbian and Windows Mobile
Intelligent content adaptation for any device with a browser, that supports HTML, XHTML, CHTML or WML
SOAP, REST based data sync
Canned widgets, skins, user management and usage reporting
41. Seattle Clouds
Платформы: iPhone/iPad/Android
Стоимость: There is a free demo version
Описание: We have lots of starter applications that make creating your custom iPhone app easy. In addition, we provide many different types of page templates that you can add to any application.
Заметки: Money Back Guarantee
42. Self Serve Apps
Платформы: iPhone and iPod Touch
Стоимость: 249$ setup Fee.
Once your app is on the App Store, choose from the following:
$29 per month.
Includes 1000 installs.
Additional installs only $0.01 each, capped at $249.
$99 per month
Unlimited installs
$999 per year
Unlimited installs
Описание: At the beginning of a project, the team works with the client to break the project down into a prioritized features list. The scrum team then works in two- to three-week cycles, or sprints, with concrete deliverables at the end of every cycle. This means the client sees the progress at regular intervals, and the team is able to change direction quickly when technological advances call for it. This is a progressive and highly effective process that HeavyLifters uses with great success.
Заметки: Location & Contact, RSS, Mobile web, and nothing more.
43. Sencha Touch
Платформы: iPhone, Android, iPad
Описание: Sencha Touch, the first HTML5 mobile JavaScript framework that allows you to develop mobile web apps that look and feel native on iPhone and Android touchscreen devices, has just hit the big 1.0.
And best of all, it’s completely free to use.
Заметки: Free so long as you don't want a commercial license. We stand out from other app developers because of our skilled, comprehensive team, and the Scrum Agile approach we use, which involves everybody from hardware technicians and software developers to designers and sound technicians from Day 1. Before we start writing any coding, we have already mocked up your app or accessory and know exactly how it will look, sound, feel and run.
44. ShoutEm
Платформы: iPhone, Android
Стоимость: www.shoutem.com/pricing
Описание: Turn your website into a full-featured mobile app in minutes! Add your existing RSS feeds, YouTube videos, podcasts and more to have all your content available in a single app. Very simple to used aimed at long tail of non tech savvy people with small budgets for mobile apps. We support most major content feeds and are adding new partners to our platform every day. After you finish setting up your mobile app, you can continue publishing content through your existing channels
Заметки: Focused on taking web content and putting it on the phone. The site and description is the clearest I've seen, you get a real sense of what they're actually providing. -je. No knowledge of coding or design required. Tell us what you want your app to look like and we’ll build it for you. We take care of the iTunes AppStore and Android Marketplace submission process. You do the fun stuff; leave the boring parts to us!
45. Sibblingz
Платформы: iOS, Android, Facebook
Стоимость: rev share — email partners@sibblingz.comn
Описание: More than just mobile: The Sibblingz Framework is a technology that allows you to build games that can be played across Facebook, iPhone, iPad, Android devices, and other platforms coming soon. Currently «Happy Island» is playable across all these networks with «It Girl» soon to follow.
Заметки: There are training video tutorials and technical support.
46. snAPPii
Платформы: Android, iOS
Описание: Snappii is a mobile apps building platform for Non-Programmers.
Over 4,000 businesses already used Snappii to make mobile apps
47. Socialight
Платформы: iPhone, Web
Стоимость: Free to create, $500 and up, monthly charge.
Описание: This is like Ning for mobile. They give you an opportunity to publisher your app, but it is part of the Socialight community. Socialight lets anyone build their own location-aware living map in minutes. It's as simple as starting a blog to create apps (including for iPhone) used by local experts to capture and share real world knowledge and experiences.
Заметки: There are training video tutorials and technical support.
48. SpotSpecific
Платформы: iPhone, Web
Описание: Opensource framework
49. Sweb Apps
Платформы: iPhone
Стоимость: $399 and up swebapps.com/pricing.php
Заметки: Very similar to many of the other App Builder websites — pick from a series of features (RSS, Location, contact) assign them to buttons and go.
50. TapLynx
Платформы: iPhone
Стоимость: $599/Enterprise lic.
Описание: TapLynx. A powerful iPhone framework.Rapidly develop iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Apps without learning Cocoa
Заметки: The TapLynx framework allows for complete customization of your app, most notable of which is the inclusion of custom view controllers.
51. tersus
Платформы: web, iPhone and IPod Touch, Android
Стоимость: free
Описание: Tersus makes it easy to create AJAX web applications.
To develop an application with Tersus, just draw a diagram of your application. The Tersus Server will automatically execute the diagrams, taking care of all that is required to «bring your application to life».
Заметки: Tersus development is 100% visual and codeless. No coding or scripting is needed. The diagram of the application (called «the model») defines it all: screen layout, rich client side behavior, and server side processes.
52. Trendy App Builder
Платформы: iPhone, Android, iPad
Описание: Zero knowledge of programming required to create stunning flash websites
Заметки: A large number of examples and templates for creating applications
53. Unity 3D
Платформы: Windows, OS X, Android, Apple iOS, а также на игровых приставках Wii, PlayStation 3 и XBox 360
Стоимость: store.unity3d.com
— широкие возможности импорта;
— доступный большинству людей интерфейс;
— кроссплатформенность;
— гибкая ценовая категория и невысокие цены;
— в версии 3.х появилась поддержка физики ткани (PhysX Cloth);
— в версии 3.1 открыт Asset Store, магазин компонентов;
— пока не поддерживает Linux, хотя разработки ведутся;
— не поддерживает Symbian, Windows Mobile и Windows Phone 7;
— нет поддержки 64 разрядных браузеров.
54. Unity Mobile
Платформы: mobile Web
Стоимость: $9.99/mo and up
Описание: From our online DIY service, to our custom web and app design and project management services, to our extensive private label partner programs, UNITY Mobile delivers tangible, measureable and sustainable business value for our customers and partners worldwide. We recognize that the most important competitive advantage our customers have, from the smallest organizations to the largest enterprises, lies within the ability to always innovate and meet the expectations of customers.
Заметки: Looks like the apps are just mobile websites. I actually signed up and installed a sample build,it looks like native($149/month)
55. Unlimited Publishing
Платформы: iPhone
Стоимость: They keep 70% of revenue, or 65% with group discount
Описание: Seem to just do books.
56. Wapple
Платформы: Web Based
Стоимость: Free for personal, licensing options for commercial
Описание: Mobile Website Builder. Build your site using the leading mobile web technology products Canvas & Architect.
Заметки: Exhibit profiles each mobile device, at a deep level, as it accesses your site. It then ensures each Canvas chunk or your device independent markup, WAPL, optimizes perfectly to provide the best output for the device.
57. Widgetbox
Платформы: iPhone, Android, iPod touch
Стоимость: $25 — $100/month, per app
Описание: Reach your audience in minutes, without the app store. Widgetbox allows anyone to take content they already have on the web, and turn it into a mobile web app that can be distributed via email, SMS, Twitter and Facebook. Get started immediately, with zero code.
Заметки: Create widgets that accomplish your business needs—lead generation, market research, and more.
58. Wirenode
Платформы: Mobile Websites
Стоимость: wirenode.com/pricing.do
Описание: Create your mobile site using our mobile page editor.
Заметки: We bring cost of creating mobile websites close to zero!
59. Zocalo Labs
Платформы: iPhone, Android, iPad
Описание: We professionally design each application for your dealership and constantly improve it to provide your customers with the best possible experience.
Заметки: Looks like they're focused on car dealerships
60. zubibu
Платформы: Web Based
Стоимость: $14.99/mo and up. 30-day free trial
Описание: zubibu.com makes mobile commerce available for every online merchant in US and UK by bringing affordable subscription-based mobile shops to the market. zubibu.com builds professional mobile shopping site within minutes and integrates with most popular e-commerce platforms to download product information. Zubibu is a one-stop turnkey mobile solution. It allows you to immediately set up a browser-based mobile version of your online shop on a number of mobile devices. Additionally, it gives you the possibility to launch native m-commerce applications for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad which are available to customers via the Apple App Store.
Заметки: There are training video tutorials and technical support.
Инструменты по которым остуствует информация:
61. appcookr
Похоже по данный проект закрылся. В твитере последнее сообщение от 22 февраля. R.I.P.
62. Five apps
Проект закрылся
63. iconmobile
Платформы: mobile web, mobile app, messaging services
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Планирую использовать некоторые инструменты, и позже написать по ним более развернутый обзор. Итак, встречайте
1. Appmakr
Платформы: iOS
Стоимость: free-$999, FREE- if you submit yourself to your own app store
Дополнительные услуги: Бесплатный доступ к ресурсам сайта.
Описание: Appmakr.com — веб-приложение, которое поможет вам создать приложения для айфона быстро и просто.
Замечания: Если вы не знаете как создать приложение для айфона, вы можете запросить помощь по телефону.
Владельцы могут размещать рекламу в своих приложениях и зарабатывать на ней.
2. AppsBuilder
Платформы: Native iOS, Native Android, WebApp
Стоимость: 100% FREE — 15$/m ADV Free
Дополнительные возможности: Бесплатный доступ к ресурсам сайта.
Описание: cоздания приложений и веб-приложений в 3 шага для андроид, iphone, IPAD и таблеток. Возможность вставлять изображения, видеоклипы, музыку и многое другое
Заметки: Узнайте в режиме реального времени, кто использует приложения, чем они заинтересованы и где они находятся. Владельцы могут размещать рекламу в своих приложениях и зарабатывать на ней.
3. Bizness Apps
Платформы: iPhone,IPad,Android, HTML5
Стоимость: От $ 39 в месяц
Описание: Biznessapps этого приложения является простым и доступным решением для предприятий, для создания и управления приложениями для iPhone, iPad, Android.
Заметки: Узнайте в режиме реального времени, кто использует приложения, чем они заинтересованы и где они находятся. Владельцы могут размещать рекламу в своих приложениях и зарабатывать на ней.
4. Buildanapp
Платформы: iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Mobile Web
Стоимость: за $ 49 отсуствие рекламы, $ 49 за публикацию Android, $ 149 за публикацию App Store
Дополнительные возможности: Бесплатный доступ к ресурсам сайта.
Описание: Построить свое приложение в шесть простых шагов. Создайте свое приложение для iPhone, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, Android, и мобильного интернет.
Заметки: BuildAnApp позволяет приложению создатель развивать электронную почту список рассылки для управления конечным пользователям загружать приложения. После этого содержание приложение может автоматически обновляться в течение дня. Владельцы могут рекламировать свои предложение, чтобы заработать на ней.
5. Buzz Touch
Платформы: iOS, Android
Стоимость: Бесплатное создание мобильных приложений на buzztouch.com.
Описание: Amazing tool miles different than any others I've found. These guys provide the actual source code to apps created on their site. As a designer and web-developer I have found their resources invaluable.
Заметки: Gives you a list of features to add to your app — very basic stuff like, location, call, email, YouTube and other streaming video/audio, RSS, share, etc. — Not industry specific needs.Owners can advertise their proposal has.
6. Cabana
Платформы: iOS, Android, web
Стоимость: Бесплатная бета-версия и полная версия за $25
Описание: Graphical tool for UI layout.In the main application manufacturer, built for designers, not programmers.
Заметки: Owners can advertise their proposal has.
7. iBuildApp
Платформы: iPhone, iPad (Android to come, mobile sites in development)
Стоимость: free to create, free to publish under your dev account, free to host
Описание: -iBuildApp, a free Do It Yourself platform for building native mobile application, allows individuals, publishers and corporations to create, customize and manage their own iPhone/iPad/Android application via online application creation engine and host in our CMS. User-friendly interface makes it easy and affordable for any business to create and manage mobile applications.
iBuildApp developed a mobile community to create mobile prilozheniy.ations.
Заметки: the source code is provided for free once the app is build. API and SDK in development.There is a handy preview function
8. iFactr
Платформы: iPhone, iPad, Android, WM7, Palm, Desktop, Web
Описание: Build Breackthrough apps. With it’s single codebase, amazing futures, and abstract UI model, iFacktr is the framework for cross-platform application deployment
9. iSites.us Genwi
Платформы: iPhone, Android, iPad
Стоимость: $9.99/month for Instant app, $49/month for Android app and Instant app, $99/month + $600 set-up fee for iPhone, Android and Instant app.
Описание: The idea is to offer an easy way for traditional media publishers to port their content to iPad/iPhone/Android via web based interface.
Заметки: Seems to be just an RSS reader with push notifications and some analytics tools — je. Applications may also include a variety of profitable business opportunities such as advertising, coupons, In-App Subscriptions etc.
10. Kanchoo
Платформы: iPhone
Стоимость: Our fees are US$88 for application creation and US$28/month for hosting and bandwidth.
Описание: -We want to offer Newspaper/Catalog-powered web sites for publishers based on their iPad apps content
Заметки: Looks like another RSS app.
11. Magmito
Платформы: Cross Platform: Symbian, Java, Blackberry, Droid, Windows, iPhone
Стоимость: FREE with advertising, $399 without. Create your application with our advertising for free, without ads $ 99 per month
Описание: Easy to usMagmito Application Developer Certification Programe (web-based), fully functional (video, RSS, mobile coupon, tell-a-friend viral component, map, feedback forms), variable distribution (auto generated QR code for each app, GetJar app store integration, Facebook posting, built in SMS engine). WINNER of Frost & Sullivan Best Enabling Mobile Tech of Year award, Scandinavia Best Business Mobile Solution and 2010 MobileTrax Best App Creation Tool for Marketing.
Заметки: Same basic set of features as most other apps -je. MAD program allows you to easily create applications using the features of advanced tools and allows you to Magmito promote its range of professional services
12. Mippin
Платформы: iPhone, Android, Nokia, Blackberry, Samsung and Sony Ericsson .Building applications for iPhone, Android, WP7, HTML5.
Стоимость: LAUNCHED. Free access to the site.
Описание: Create high-quality mobile apps. Build your own branded app
Deliver news from your website, posts from your blog or images from your photo collection
Заметки: The ability to create applications for any platform.
13. Mobbase
Платформы: iPhone,iOS,Android
Стоимость: www.mobbase.com/pricing
Описание: $20 to activate then $15-20/mo. MobBase apps are available for the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch, Android devices (OS 2.2 or later), and desktop computers. Apps are currently distributed through iTunes, Android Market and Intel AppUp.
Заметки: A social media app pulling content from youtube, flickr, twitter, etc.
14. MobiCart
Платформы: N
ative apps:
iPhone — Live
iPad — Q1 2011
Android — Q1 2011
BlackBerry — Q3 2011
Windows Mobile — Q3 2011
Web apps:
HTML5 web app — Q2 2011
Стоимость: FREE / Open source. Free access to the site.
Описание: MobiCart is a free and simple way for you to build and manage your m-commerce store as a native or web app. MobiCart works on its own, or link it up to your existing website.
MobiCart is a startup that is taking m-commerce to a new level of personalization by enabling anyone to quickly deploy a native storefront application on mobile devices. MobiCart is a completely free solution that combines a customized application development platform with an online ecosystem for sharing extensions.
15. Mobile App America
Платформы: Mobile Web
Стоимость: Free Trial for 30 days, and then $4.99 a month
Описание: Beta version of our Automated Mobile Web Engine. Can you financially afford to ignore your mobile traffic? MobileAppAmerica is using a patent pending technology to help you instantly Convert your Website to Mobile. Websites converted with MWA's technology work with over 2,000 mobile devices.
Заметки: Beta version of our Automated Mobile Web Engine. Can you financially afford to ignore your mobile traffic? MobileAppAmerica is using a patent pending technology to help you instantly Convert your Website to Mobile. Websites converted with MWA's technology work with over 2,000 mobile devices.
16. Mobile Content.Com
Платформы: SMS, USSD, IVR
Стоимость: Free Trial for 30 days, and then $4.99 a month
Описание: Our services build a crucial link to entertainment and information for mobile users and MC.C has continuous pioneered lifestyle changing mobile-based products in Ghana and selected West African markets.
Заметки: Takes a leading role in the development of VAS-services for GSM mobile telephony in Ghana, MC.C a range of services, ranging from financial, media, education, faith in sports, in the end, MCC provides a platform for the 15 million mobile subscribers in Ghana to use their phones in a greatly expanded ways.
17. Mobile Nation
Платформы: Mobile Web
Стоимость: There is a free version with reduced capabilities and charged with the full range of services.
Описание: MobileNation provides a powerful drag-and-drop environment for designing bespoke mobile applications all within your web browser.
Заметки: There are training video tutorials and technical support.
18. Mobile Roadie
Платформы: iPhone, Android, Blackberry
Стоимость: Starts at: $499 set up, $29/mo, .01 per download over 1,000 / or $1,200/year
Описание: Seem like a high-end app creation and hosting service.
19. Mobile Store Maker
Платформы: iPhone, Android
Стоимость: mobileroadie.com/home/pricing
Описание: Sign up for Mobile Store Maker and bring your products to millions of people.
Заметки: Meet our many great partners that enrich your Mobile Roadie app.
20. MobileAppLoader
Платформы: iPhone, iPad, Android
Стоимость: mobileroadie.com/home/pricing
Описание: No technical skills are needed. Just follow our simple App-in-a-Snap™ wizard. MobileAppLoader will build and post your App directly to the App Store.
Заметки: They list a number of different apps for specific businesses: mobileapploader.com/myapp/AppListStart.aspx — you pay a monthly fee and MobileAppLoader branding is all over the app, unless you pay $250 to remove it. So far, this is the closest I've see to what we've discussed — however, you can't pick and choose which modules you want, you just have to go up to a higher level. For example, if you want notifications you'll have to pay for the highest level ($150 setup + 12.99/mo) and you'll have to take social media with you. Not every company uses, or has time to use, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
21. Mobincube
Платформы: iPhone, iPad, Windows Mobile
Android, Blackberry, Symbian
Samsung, Nokia, LG, HTC ,JAVA compatibility
Стоимость: www.mobincube.com/pricing-mobile-applications.html
Описание: Mobincube is a website that allows anyone with no technical knowledge to develop advanced applications for mobiles and smartphones due to its visual interfaces. And also enables anyone to design these applications in a simple way.Create your applications in 4 steps.
22. Mobtify
Платформы: iPhone, iPad, Windows Mobile
Android, Blackberry, Symbian
Стоимость: www.mobtify.com/build-now — currently $300 + $49.95/month
Описание: The MOST powerful iPhone app builder. User-friendly interface makes it easy and affordable for any business to create and manage mobile applications.
Заметки: This does everything all the others do, but with worse pricing. Our monthly fee covers as many downloads as you can get.
23. Mockup Builder
Платформы: web-site
Стоимость: Free access to the site.
Описание: Design your software or website mockups within minutes
Заметки: A large amount of learning material, which includes video lessons and illustrative examples of the construction.
24. MonoDroid
Платформы: Android, IOS, WM7…
Стоимость: Professional ($ 399.00), Enterprise ($ 999.00), Enterprise Priority ($ 2499.00), Professional Pack ($ 249.00), Enterprise Upgrade ($ 599.00), Enterprise Priority Pack ($ 1499.00).
Описание: MonoDroid is a development stack for using C# and core .NET APIs to develop Android and IOS based applications.
Заметки: Button management software. Use XCode 4 and the powerful UI Designer to create interfaces and Storyboards that automatically sync with your MonoTouch project.
25. MonoTouch
Платформы: iPhone/Web.
Стоимость: $399 and up.
Описание: .NET/C# for iPhone. Full native API support.
26. MoSync
Платформы: iPhone, iPad, Andriod, WinMobile 5, 6, Symbian 2,3 & 5 ed, j2me, Moblin 2.x.
Стоимость: Dual licensed open source GPL / commercial starts at €199 per year allowing closed sourced apps. www.mosync.com/mosync-dual-licence-model.
Описание: MoSync transforms a single C/C+ source code into native binary executables, integrated w. Eclipse. Based on open standards. MoSync is developed by a dedicated and enthusiastic team of developers who are committed to making the development of mobile applications faster, easier, and more cost-efficient.
Заметки: Single self contained download at Github. MoSync includes many guides, tutorials, reference manuals, glossaries, and code examples. Here we provide an overview of all the documentation available for our latest feature releases, including how to install MoSync, how to start up and use the MoSync IDE, how to write programs with it, and how to build your applications for multiple devices.
27. My App Builder
Платформы: iPhone, Android
Стоимость: $ 29/month
Описание: Although the iTunes App Store is generating A enormous amount of attention, the average person has not been able sell their content (books, music, videos, etc.) in the App Store for two main reasons. 1.) It's too complicated to develop an app yourself. 2.) It's too expensive to pay someone to develop an app for you. With our new publishing platform that is now available for $29/month, we remove both of these obstacles. When you sign up for out monthly service, we will actually build your iPhone/iPod Touch Apps for you! Just get us your content (videos, books, etc.) and we will take care of the rest. This advantage of Apple's wildly popular iTunes Store that you won't find anywhere else. Don't be behind the curve on this opportunity. You no longer need a technical background or a small fortune to develop your own iPhone/iPod Touch applications. Local bands are creating there own albums into apps. Authors are turning their books into apps. Video collections are being turned into apps. Access to the product that everyone is talking about is now just $29/month!
Заметки: Looks like the have a few pre-made apps that they reuse. 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
28. nov8rix
Платформы: iphone
Стоимость: nov8rix.cloudapp.net/Pricing.aspx
Описание: Getting your own Nov8rix app is simple!
29. NS Basic
Платформы: iOS, Android, Blackberry, WebOS
Стоимость: $99.95 introductory as well as a demo version.
Описание: NS Basic/App Studio is a complete development environment that lets you develop apps on Windows for mobile devices. Programming language is a large subset of Visual Basic or JavaScript. Use Geolocation and Google Maps, WebKit, HTML5 features, royalty free distribution, Lots of sample code, 200 page Handbook. Can be used with PhoneGap.
Заметки: NS Basic/App Studio is a complete, powerful development environment. Create your app on your desktop, then download to your device and run.
30. OpenPlug
Платформы: iPhone/iPad/Android beta, Symbian, WIndows Mobile alpha, Samsung bada
Стоимость: developer.openplug.com/download/pricing
Описание: OpenPlug’s mobile software turns every device into a smart device. It allows developers to write applications once and convert application code into native software that runs on any leading mobile device operating system, including iPhone®, Android®, Symbian®, Windows Mobile®, and Linux®.
Заметки: Button management software, with a monthly cost. Distribute your apps through application stores.
31. PhoneGap
Платформы: iPhone/iPod touch, iPad, Google Android, Palm, Symbian and Blackberry
Стоимость: Open Source
Описание: PhoneGap is an HTML5 app platform that allows you to author native applications with web technologies and get access to APIs and app stores. PhoneGap leverages web technologies developers already know best… HTML and JavaScript.
Заметки: PhoneGap Support subscriptions deliver exclusive tools, technical support and learning opportunities that lead PhoneGap developers through app design, development, testing and deployment.
32. PhoneGap Build
Платформы: Android, Symbian, Blackberry, Palm (WP7, iOS, MeeGo, bada coming soon)
Стоимость: free in beta, free for open source; pricing not announced
Описание: Say goodbye to SDKs, compilers and hardware. Simply write your app using HTML, CSS or JavaScript, upload it to the PhoneGap Build service and get back app-store ready apps for Google Android, Palm, Symbian, BlackBerry and more. PhoneGap is a standards-based, open-source development framework for building cross-platform mobile apps with HTML, CSS and JavaScript for iPhone/iPad, Google Android, Palm, Symbian, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile and more.
Заметки: Proud to offer debug build for PhoneGap Build users. This service enables users to debug and interactively modify their applications during runtime; this new addition offers similar functionality to those found in Firebug and Google Chrome Inspector, which serve as an indispensable tool to developers working on web based projects. And now debug build provides the same benefits for PhoneGap developers.
33. Phonsai
Платформы: 99% all platforms
Стоимость: free
Описание: Phonsai is a web-based application which lets you design your own mobile applications without any programming skills. Phonsai is one of the first examples of UGC (User Generated Content) for mobile platforms and also Mobile DIY (Do It Yourself) forLCD (Lowest Common Denominator).
Заметки: Your mobile applications that are developed by Phonsai will run on approximately 2000 different phone models. Phonsai is a developing platform. Phonsai team is adding new devices to its compatibility list each day.
34. Pieceable
Платформы: iPhone/Web
Стоимость: pieceable.com/plan
Описание: Pieceable is a service that lets you build native iPhone applications without programming. You focus on the content and styling — we provide the raw functionality.
Заметки: There are training video tutorials and technical support.
35. Point Reach
Платформы: iPhone, Android, Windows Phone, mobile web
Стоимость: free
Описание: Ads, apps, and online: great creative, smart media buying, and insightful analytics add up to effective integrated campaigns
36. Rhomobile
Платформы: Phone, Windows Mobile, RIM, Symbian and Android
Стоимость: Open Source under MIT License
Описание: Quickly create NATIVE smartphone apps on RhoHub with the award-winning Rhodes framework. Build online without installing SDKs locally, including build iPhone apps from Windows-based PCs. It also gives you a hosted RhoConnect server for enterprise app integration and sync. Finally, it provides galleries that allow you to manage apps for your users whether or not they were written with Rhodes.
Заметки: Does not support Symbian actually. A large number of instructions for building applications
37. Ripple emulator
Платформы: PhoneGap (iPhone, Blackberry, Android), WAC, Mobile web, HTML5 mobile apps
Стоимость: Free while in Beta.
Описание: Ripple is a Mobile Environment Emulator that allows the developers to test and debug their cross-platform applications in one place. Ripple helps them deal with the fragmentation as well as see what’s going on “under the hood” of their applications. They can now focus on what’s important: Building awesome mobile apps!
Заметки: Weekly updates give you seamless and instant access to new features and enhancements.
38. Roambi
Платформы: iPhone / iPad
Стоимость: Free.
Описание: Roambi mobile business applications set your information free, giving you up-to-the-minute and engaging company reports and data — anytime, anywhere.
Заметки: Roambi is an innovative business app that transforms your company's reports and data into immersive mobile analytics that leave traditional
39. RunRev
Платформы: iPhone/iPad/Android
Стоимость: Free trial
$99 one seat, personal license
$499 commercial license
Описание: RunRev's Live code gives you compile-free coding, English-like programming language, and cross-platform development. Use the same code to deploy to multiple mobile platforms, while taking advantage of the many OS-specific features on each device
Заметки: Editor's Choice from MacUser Magazine, Jan. 2011
Video: build an iPhone App in 3 hours: bit.ly/hu16VZ
Video: App from concept to store: bit.ly/dPaIt2
40. Saasmob
Платформы: iOS, Android, Symbian, RIM, Palm and Windows Mobile
Стоимость: Flexible options including transactional pricing available. Smart App-$99/month/app
Описание: Software-as-a-Service model for lower upfront investment, quicker deployment
Native as well as browser access
Broadest device support
Lower Total Cost of Ownership (up to 80% less)
Заметки: Editor's Choice from MacUser Magazine, Jan. 2011
Video: build an iPhone App in 3 hours: bit.ly/hu16VZ
Video: App from concept to store: bit.ly/dPaIt2. The secret sauce behind our cloud offerings is a collection of pre-built components, built upon open industry standards like HTML5, Javascript, J2EE, XML and web services. These include:
Native client with UI, sync, local db and native hooks for iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Palm WebOS, Symbian and Windows Mobile
Intelligent content adaptation for any device with a browser, that supports HTML, XHTML, CHTML or WML
SOAP, REST based data sync
Canned widgets, skins, user management and usage reporting
41. Seattle Clouds
Платформы: iPhone/iPad/Android
Стоимость: There is a free demo version
Описание: We have lots of starter applications that make creating your custom iPhone app easy. In addition, we provide many different types of page templates that you can add to any application.
Заметки: Money Back Guarantee
42. Self Serve Apps
Платформы: iPhone and iPod Touch
Стоимость: 249$ setup Fee.
Once your app is on the App Store, choose from the following:
$29 per month.
Includes 1000 installs.
Additional installs only $0.01 each, capped at $249.
$99 per month
Unlimited installs
$999 per year
Unlimited installs
Описание: At the beginning of a project, the team works with the client to break the project down into a prioritized features list. The scrum team then works in two- to three-week cycles, or sprints, with concrete deliverables at the end of every cycle. This means the client sees the progress at regular intervals, and the team is able to change direction quickly when technological advances call for it. This is a progressive and highly effective process that HeavyLifters uses with great success.
Заметки: Location & Contact, RSS, Mobile web, and nothing more.
43. Sencha Touch
Платформы: iPhone, Android, iPad
Описание: Sencha Touch, the first HTML5 mobile JavaScript framework that allows you to develop mobile web apps that look and feel native on iPhone and Android touchscreen devices, has just hit the big 1.0.
And best of all, it’s completely free to use.
Заметки: Free so long as you don't want a commercial license. We stand out from other app developers because of our skilled, comprehensive team, and the Scrum Agile approach we use, which involves everybody from hardware technicians and software developers to designers and sound technicians from Day 1. Before we start writing any coding, we have already mocked up your app or accessory and know exactly how it will look, sound, feel and run.
44. ShoutEm
Платформы: iPhone, Android
Стоимость: www.shoutem.com/pricing
Описание: Turn your website into a full-featured mobile app in minutes! Add your existing RSS feeds, YouTube videos, podcasts and more to have all your content available in a single app. Very simple to used aimed at long tail of non tech savvy people with small budgets for mobile apps. We support most major content feeds and are adding new partners to our platform every day. After you finish setting up your mobile app, you can continue publishing content through your existing channels
Заметки: Focused on taking web content and putting it on the phone. The site and description is the clearest I've seen, you get a real sense of what they're actually providing. -je. No knowledge of coding or design required. Tell us what you want your app to look like and we’ll build it for you. We take care of the iTunes AppStore and Android Marketplace submission process. You do the fun stuff; leave the boring parts to us!
45. Sibblingz
Платформы: iOS, Android, Facebook
Стоимость: rev share — email partners@sibblingz.comn
Описание: More than just mobile: The Sibblingz Framework is a technology that allows you to build games that can be played across Facebook, iPhone, iPad, Android devices, and other platforms coming soon. Currently «Happy Island» is playable across all these networks with «It Girl» soon to follow.
Заметки: There are training video tutorials and technical support.
46. snAPPii
Платформы: Android, iOS
Описание: Snappii is a mobile apps building platform for Non-Programmers.
Over 4,000 businesses already used Snappii to make mobile apps
47. Socialight
Платформы: iPhone, Web
Стоимость: Free to create, $500 and up, monthly charge.
Описание: This is like Ning for mobile. They give you an opportunity to publisher your app, but it is part of the Socialight community. Socialight lets anyone build their own location-aware living map in minutes. It's as simple as starting a blog to create apps (including for iPhone) used by local experts to capture and share real world knowledge and experiences.
Заметки: There are training video tutorials and technical support.
48. SpotSpecific
Платформы: iPhone, Web
Описание: Opensource framework
49. Sweb Apps
Платформы: iPhone
Стоимость: $399 and up swebapps.com/pricing.php
Заметки: Very similar to many of the other App Builder websites — pick from a series of features (RSS, Location, contact) assign them to buttons and go.
50. TapLynx
Платформы: iPhone
Стоимость: $599/Enterprise lic.
Описание: TapLynx. A powerful iPhone framework.Rapidly develop iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Apps without learning Cocoa
Заметки: The TapLynx framework allows for complete customization of your app, most notable of which is the inclusion of custom view controllers.
51. tersus
Платформы: web, iPhone and IPod Touch, Android
Стоимость: free
Описание: Tersus makes it easy to create AJAX web applications.
To develop an application with Tersus, just draw a diagram of your application. The Tersus Server will automatically execute the diagrams, taking care of all that is required to «bring your application to life».
Заметки: Tersus development is 100% visual and codeless. No coding or scripting is needed. The diagram of the application (called «the model») defines it all: screen layout, rich client side behavior, and server side processes.
52. Trendy App Builder
Платформы: iPhone, Android, iPad
Описание: Zero knowledge of programming required to create stunning flash websites
Заметки: A large number of examples and templates for creating applications
53. Unity 3D
Платформы: Windows, OS X, Android, Apple iOS, а также на игровых приставках Wii, PlayStation 3 и XBox 360
Стоимость: store.unity3d.com
— широкие возможности импорта;
— доступный большинству людей интерфейс;
— кроссплатформенность;
— гибкая ценовая категория и невысокие цены;
— в версии 3.х появилась поддержка физики ткани (PhysX Cloth);
— в версии 3.1 открыт Asset Store, магазин компонентов;
— пока не поддерживает Linux, хотя разработки ведутся;
— не поддерживает Symbian, Windows Mobile и Windows Phone 7;
— нет поддержки 64 разрядных браузеров.
54. Unity Mobile
Платформы: mobile Web
Стоимость: $9.99/mo and up
Описание: From our online DIY service, to our custom web and app design and project management services, to our extensive private label partner programs, UNITY Mobile delivers tangible, measureable and sustainable business value for our customers and partners worldwide. We recognize that the most important competitive advantage our customers have, from the smallest organizations to the largest enterprises, lies within the ability to always innovate and meet the expectations of customers.
Заметки: Looks like the apps are just mobile websites. I actually signed up and installed a sample build,it looks like native($149/month)
55. Unlimited Publishing
Платформы: iPhone
Стоимость: They keep 70% of revenue, or 65% with group discount
Описание: Seem to just do books.
56. Wapple
Платформы: Web Based
Стоимость: Free for personal, licensing options for commercial
Описание: Mobile Website Builder. Build your site using the leading mobile web technology products Canvas & Architect.
Заметки: Exhibit profiles each mobile device, at a deep level, as it accesses your site. It then ensures each Canvas chunk or your device independent markup, WAPL, optimizes perfectly to provide the best output for the device.
57. Widgetbox
Платформы: iPhone, Android, iPod touch
Стоимость: $25 — $100/month, per app
Описание: Reach your audience in minutes, without the app store. Widgetbox allows anyone to take content they already have on the web, and turn it into a mobile web app that can be distributed via email, SMS, Twitter and Facebook. Get started immediately, with zero code.
Заметки: Create widgets that accomplish your business needs—lead generation, market research, and more.
58. Wirenode
Платформы: Mobile Websites
Стоимость: wirenode.com/pricing.do
Описание: Create your mobile site using our mobile page editor.
Заметки: We bring cost of creating mobile websites close to zero!
59. Zocalo Labs
Платформы: iPhone, Android, iPad
Описание: We professionally design each application for your dealership and constantly improve it to provide your customers with the best possible experience.
Заметки: Looks like they're focused on car dealerships
60. zubibu
Платформы: Web Based
Стоимость: $14.99/mo and up. 30-day free trial
Описание: zubibu.com makes mobile commerce available for every online merchant in US and UK by bringing affordable subscription-based mobile shops to the market. zubibu.com builds professional mobile shopping site within minutes and integrates with most popular e-commerce platforms to download product information. Zubibu is a one-stop turnkey mobile solution. It allows you to immediately set up a browser-based mobile version of your online shop on a number of mobile devices. Additionally, it gives you the possibility to launch native m-commerce applications for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad which are available to customers via the Apple App Store.
Заметки: There are training video tutorials and technical support.
Инструменты по которым остуствует информация:
61. appcookr
Похоже по данный проект закрылся. В твитере последнее сообщение от 22 февраля. R.I.P.
62. Five apps
Проект закрылся
63. iconmobile
Платформы: mobile web, mobile app, messaging services
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