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UFO just landed and posted this here
Подробностей нет, но без ретранслятора не вариантов.

Я нашел оригинальный сюжет, который несколько отличается от западных СМИ в деталях — на луноходе может быть установлен радиочастотный спектрограф с помощью которого оценят возможность радиоастрономических наблюдений с обратной стороны Луны.
China-Chang’e-4 Probe/Moon
China is planning to become the first country to land a lunar probe on the far side of the moon, a Chinese lunar probe scientist said on Tuesday.

The mission will be carried out by the Chang'e-4, a backup probe for the Chang'e-3, and is slated to be launched before 2020, said Zou Yongliao, deputy director of the moon exploration department under the Chinese Academy of Sciences at the three-day Second Beijing International Forum on Lunar and Deep-Space Exploration.

China launched the Chang'e-3 at the end of 2013 which made it the first time for a Chinese spacecraft to soft-land on the surface of an extraterrestrial body.

Based on the data sent back from the Chang-e 3 probe, Chinese scientists managed to make achievements regarding lunar soil, lunar structure and earth plasmasphere.

«We conducted the research on the geological evolution of the landing and patrol areas of the lunar rover based on the analysis on the minerals composition, especially the superficial layer obtained using radar and discovered that there are three layers of the area which we think may have connections with the three volcanic eruptions that happened in the Mare Imbrium,» said Zou.

The far side of the moon, or «dark side of the moon» as it is more commonly known, is never visible to Earth because of gravitational forces. According to Zou, the far side of the moon has a clean electromagnetic environment, which provides an ideal field for low frequency radio study for scientists.

«If we can place a frequency spectrograph on the far side to conduct the low frequency radio study, we can fill a void,» said Zou.
Интересная тема, хотелось бы знать больше. Как понимаю, другие страны такое повторить не пытались?
Даже садиться не пытались 37 лет до китайского Чанъэ-3. Не до Луны было на Земле.
Остро. Я поясню, на всякий случай: я про Тёмную Сторону Силы Луны.
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