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Скомпрометирована переписка пользователей Elance.com

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Сегодня днем в свое ящике обнаруживаю кучу писем от Elance.com.

Сначала подумал что спамеры решили под него маскироваться.

Зашел в пару писем — реальная переписка заказчиков с клиентом.
Написал об этом в поддержку, сейчас получил ответ:


Thank you for your email.

Here is what we know so far about the Daily Summary emails that many have reported receiving earlier today, Friday, August 28.

Once a day, Elance sends an email (to those who elect to receive them) that summarizes the previous 5 messages that have occurred inside the digital Workrooms that facilitate collaboration between service providers and their clients. Such communications are typically messages that occur either in real-time between parties or are left in a bulletin board format.

Yesterday, one of our engineers made a change to the script that initiates this nightly process. The changes were tested, but the errors were not identified. As a result, last night’s batch of such Daily Summary emails were initiated at 1:30am Pacific time, and unfortunately an unknown number were erroneously sent to Elance members that were neither the provider nor the client. The error was discovered at 2:30am and the process was halted by 2:50am.

We apologize for this error and any inconvenience that this issue might have caused. We will be reaching out directly to all parties affected with additional information shortly.

Additionally, for ongoing updates to the situation, please refer to this page: www.elance.com/p/trust/daily_email_update.html.

Best regards,
Steve Holm
Director, Customer Relations

Все бы конечно ничего, но за последнее время это вторая проблема с приватностью на этой бирже.
После первой меня настойчиво попросили сменить пароль, хотя в сообщения было указано что данные о паролях, кредитных картах, и т.д. утечке не подверглись.

Чувствую что если будет и третья проблема, то уйду я с такой дырявой биржи от греха подальше.
Total votes 8: ↑5 and ↓3+2
