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7 tips to make video learning more effective

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time5 min

While video-based learning continues to rank high in the latest trends, there are a few points that are regularly overlooked in the production of learning videos, with a focus on user experience (UX) and user interaction 

People really enjoy watching videos. According to a survey conducted among consumers worldwide, respondents watched an average of 19 hours of online video content per week in 2022. And nearly half of all internet users watch online videos at least once a week.

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Designing for Success: Crafting Effective Learning Experiences

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time7 min

The Challenge of Mandatory Learning
Once we had several mandatory learning courses designed to be passed successfully by all employees. Still, many of them struggled to do so. Reminder emails to all participants could not solve the issue. And that is when my team was summoned to develop a thorough plan to reduce the number of overdue courses to a minimum. Of course, we were asked to develop something fun and engaging.

Uncovering the Root Problems
While working on the project, we managed to uncover several problems with course assignments, including the fact that they were not offered just in time, there were too many of them, and all of them had different due dates, which made it impossible to remember when to complete them. Additionally, we found that the content itself was often dry and unengaging, further contributing to the lack of motivation among employees. Finally, we came up with a system of notifications that included clear explanatory reminder emails, an escalation system, and a redesign of the course content to make it more interactive and relevant to employees' daily work. The result was almost no overdue courses after system integration.

The Myth of Mandatory Fun
So the case first seemed to be about motivation and engagement, but it is actually about smart course design that allows people to worry about work tasks instead of worrying about course assignments. It's also about creating content that resonates with the learners and helps them see the value in the training.

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Exploring the Capabilities and Implications of ChatGPT 3 in the Educational Technology Field

Reading time24 min

From language translation and virtual assistants to self-driving cars and personalized recommendations, AI has been a buzzword for a while now, but it seems that it is only now with the new ChatGPT 3 being released to the public that it is so close to revolutionizing the educational technology field as well. In this article, I would like to give my first impressions, test results, and insights on the new technology.

ChatGPT is a chatbot by OpenAI that can write texts, code, answer questions, and solve various problems. It can even write college essays that, although lacking heart and personal touch, are still pretty good.

It somehow reminds me of the times when distance learning started captivating different fields and what started as a tool for kids with special needs (about 15 years ago, it was a major theme in pedagogical universities, at least) turned into massive online open courses from top universities available to anyone with access to the internet. In corporate learning culture, it went from "e-learning is a cheap and less effective replacement for offline trainings" to being a part of a complicated educational system where we can have the best qualities of offline and online learning for employees.

Right away, serious discussions emerged on the threats to the usage of ChatGPT. Since the beginning of December, many educators have been giving their opinion on its ability to write essays, code, and find correct answers for tests and on the studying culture that will probably need to change.

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