Посмотрел официальную документацию, на самом деле даже так:
The optimal value depends on many factors including (but not limited to) the number of CPU cores, the number of hard disk drives that store data, and load pattern. When one is in doubt, setting it to the number of available CPU cores would be a good start (the value “auto” will try to autodetect it).
Еще полезные моменты про шардинг, репликацию и партиционирование.
Вроде второй случай не очень хорошо в некоторых браузерах работает.
The optimal value depends on many factors including (but not limited to) the number of CPU cores, the number of hard disk drives that store data, and load pattern. When one is in doubt, setting it to the number of available CPU cores would be a good start (the value “auto” will try to autodetect it).
Спасибо за замечание.