Pluralsight предоставляет условно-бесплатную подписку на данный курс в течение одного месяца. Для того, чтобы получить подписку, необходимо выполнить следующие действия:
- Зафолловить @pluralsight в твиттере
- Зайти на эту страницу и ввести своё имя в твиттере
После этого на твиттер придет приватное сообщение с кодом доступа.
Содержание курса:
- The Account at a Glance Application
- Introduction
- Introduction to the Account at a Glance Application
- Demo: The Account at a Glance Application
- Application Technologies
- Project Structure
- Demo: Creating the Application Projects
- Summary
- Working with Data
- Introduction
- Data Technology Overview
- Creating Model Classes
- Demo: Creating Model Classes
- Creating a DbContext Class
- Demo: Creating a DbContext Class
- Database Structure
- Creating Data Repository Classes
- Demo: Creating Data Repository Classes
- Retrieving and Storing Financial Data
- Demo: Retrieving and Storing Financial Data
- Summary
- Serving HTML5 and JSON Content
- Introduction
- Server-Side Technology Overview
- Creating ASP.NET MVC Controllers
- Demo: Creating Controllers
- Demo: Creating DataServiceController Actions
- Demo: Creating a Dependency Resolver
- Demo: Refactoring ModelContainer
- Demo: Disposing of Dependencies
- Using HTML5 Boilerplate in _Layout.cshtml
- Demo: Integrating HTML5 Boilerplate into _Layout.cshtmlDemo
- Working with Views
- Summary
- Client-Side Functionality
- Introduction
- Client-Side Technology Overview
- Demo: Application Scripts
- Defining Tile Layout using Object Literals
- Demo: Defining Tile Layout using Object Literals
- Demo: The sceneStateManager Script
- Retrieving JSON Data using jQuery Ajax Functions
- Demo: Retrieving JSON using jQuery
- Demo: Interacting with Ajax calls using the Chrome Developer Tools
- Rendering JSON Data using jQuery Templates
- Demo: Using jQuery Templates
- Demo: Viewing jQuery Templates Functionality using the Chrome Developer Tools
- Charting Data with Canvas and SVG
- Demo: Canvas Fundamentals
- Demo: Rendering a Canvas Chart with Flot
- Demo: Working with SVG
- Integrating HTML5 Video
- Demo: Using HTML5 Video
- Summary
Authored by: Dan Wahlin
Duration: 5h 4m
Level: Intermediate