Vladimir @mvs
Creator, founder, developer
- Значки
- Захабренный
- Бета-тестер
- Техноавтор 2022
- О себе
- Experienced senior PHP backend and full-stack developer with a leadership background in game development, fintech, and social projects. Proficient in developing websites, web applications, and platforms using Laravel and Symfony.
Possess a strong skillset in web development, app development, game development, high-load, async, DevOps, Symfony, Laravel, Lumen, PHP, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Redis, RabbitMQ, Angular, Vue, Vuetify, Pinia, Github, Gitlab, BitBucket, and Docker.
As the founder of the Larnaca IT community, I have established a strong network within the local tech industry. Additionally, I am the creator of workplaces.digital, an aggregator of cafes and coworking spaces for digital nomads worldwide.
I have also founded specialtycoffee.cy and the Cyprus Specialty Coffee community, showcasing my passion for creating online communities that bring people together around shared interests.
- Состоит в хабах
- Подписан на компании
- AdobeКомпанияADV/web-engineering co.КомпанияAlconostLocalization in 70+ languages & video productionCDNvideoCDNvideo — ведущая в России сеть доставки контентаGoogle DevelopersBuild anything with GoogleHabrCreate services for geeksITI CapitalЛучший онлайн-брокер для работы на биржеJetBrainsДелаем эффективные инструменты для разработчиковLampTestТестирование светодиодных лампSipuniВиртуальная АТС и интеграция с CRMSony Mobile CommunicationsКомпанияZabbixКомпанияZfort GroupКомпания
- В рейтинге
- Не участвует
- Дата рождения
- Зарегистрирован
- Активность