Pull to refresh


Standart language of webpages markup

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The new code as the side effect

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time4 min

The new code as the side effect

If we use the reducer function for form data handling It has an infinite list of returned values, which expands when the next development iteration updates the interface defining the form and implements a new field. So the reducer pattern is procedure code, not a functional

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Crafting Enhanced Dropdown Interactions with Svelte: Constructing an Advanced Dropdown Component with Svelte

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time3 min

In the realm of frontend development, the quest for enhancing user interaction remains a constant pursuit. Developers, inspired by innovation, often seek solutions to refine components for a seamless user experience. Today, we delve into the construction of an advanced dropdown component using Svelte — a framework known for its simplicity and effectiveness.

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Total votes 3: ↑3 and ↓0+3

Creating a mini-game with a drip effect and moving circles. Part 1

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time7 min

Hello, dear users of the IT world!

In modern web development there are many ways to make your website interesting and attractive to users. And even using simple techniques you can achieve great results!

I suggest you to create a mini-game from scratch yourself. And then, you can use it to liven up and add interactivity to any web page.

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Total votes 3: ↑3 and ↓0+3

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