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«If I had a heart...» Artificial Intelligence

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Most people fear of artificial intelligence (AI) for the unpredictability of its possible actions and impact [1], [2]. In regard to this technology concerns are voiced also by AI experts themselves - scientists, engineers, among whom are the foremost faces of their professions [3], [4], [5]. And you possibly share these concerns because it's like leaving a child alone at home with a loaded gun on the table - in 2021 AI was first used on the battlefield in completely autonomous way: with an independent determination of a target and a decision to defeat it without operator participation [6]. But let’s be honest, since humanity has taken in the opportunities this new tool could give us, there is already no way back – this is how the law of gengle works [7].

Imagine the feeling of a caveman observing our modern routine world: electricity, Internet, smartphones, robots... etc. In the next two hundred years in large part thankfully to AI humankind will undergo the number of transformations it has since the moment we have learned to control the fire [8]. The effect of this technology will surpass all our previous changes as a civilization. And even as a species, because our destiny is not to create AI, but to literally become it.

The idea of a human being cyberization has initially appeared together with world wide web already in the eighties in fantastic fiction [9], and later in movies [10], and it is close to giving an opportunity to disabled people become enabled again [11].

Consider this transformation possibility as an artificial compliment to the basic natural mutation mechanism of Homo sapiens. As soon as the tech process will be adjusted, evolutionary competitive advantages will lead to its commercialization with plenty possible additional options like a directly in-brain integrated wireless communication interface, used as a terminal within the sight of a person and linking with artificial narrow intelligence (ANI) helpers – weak AI info and real bots, which already exist. For example, well-known Siri and canine morphs of Boston Dynamics.

Comparable with human the artificial general intelligence (AGI) [12], contrary, implies the existence of consciousness and is nearly at the zero stage of development, if only due to the lack of understanding of what consciousness really is. According to Mr. R. Dawkins definition: “Perhaps consciousness arises when the brain's simulation of the world becomes so complete that it must include a model of itself.”[7]; principle inconsistency began at the very origin of conventional computer architecture having separate areas for program and data. The appearance of neural networks technology solved this issue, but all the efforts to produce the AGI like a recreation of human brain abut against the widely known Mr. E. Pugh citation: “If the human brain were so simple that we could understand it, we would be so simple that we couldn’t [13].”

Evolution is like a river, it finds the least resistance spreading in current opportunities, and certainly never flows uphill. In this context the creation of "cold" AGI, based exclusively on computers and with totally predetermined structure, looks exactly like a wandering in the mountains. Again, a possible solution is to use ANI's integration with the human brain to research it. Of course, cyberization will be done initially for medical reasons. Then there will be cyber freaks and enthusiastic scientists. And one day we'll realize that the use of bionic methods to enhance the capabilities of the human beings, including physically distributed conscious, built-in interfaces for data exchange and remote bots control, has become usual.

Considering the world wide web from the same point of evolutionary view as we looked at cyberization could give us a picture of the information virtual space as an analogue of primordial sea in sense of abiogenesis [14]. To new information entities the Internet is the ecosystem, the competition environment, where they can interact with each other, cooperate to produce structures of information processing and struggle for the information sources  [15] and valid content…in short, to live.

The fact is, these information entities already exist - people are a kind of organic molecules in this new ocean of life starting to form there organizational structures, participating in which in turn models our standpoint and influences on our real world behavior. You see, it's not the tales about hypothetical far future as the process goes, and ANIs are involved totally [16].

And similarly the newly appeared hot interest to the theme of possible self-identification beyond the conventional binary gender model [17] might be meant to attain advanced system stability within the exceptionally biologically social context, as well the female-male-artificial (FMA) model, where F and M do not mean gender but the perception, is the nearest extension of the conservative family from the perspective of recently acquired cyber option in our evolution, which is potentially highly solicited – gratis, at any time mentally affordable, virtual family friend-trustee-majordomo is a true world’s savior for the most widely spread nowadays family model of two spouses with children. Being enhanced with the three-polar perception as the abilities of included AI grows, FMA model will result in rising efficiency of everyday decisions, based on more refined and balanced landscape vision, which is in the end an important concurrent advantage.

Simultaneously, the idea to grow up AGI as a family’s child solves many other, way more sophisticated and, we would say, existential problems of AGI itself. To solve the previously mentioned problem of AI with program-data separation by their blending within neural networks means to encounter with the next one - how to enforce the self-update process control under the condition of possible data corruption, which in this case means partially loss of oneself.

For instance, nature evidently implements this in people by the means of sleep and lets our brain then measure the adequacy of occurred changes through the social interaction as a feedback loop. Some parts of our personality are empowered, and some are weakened while sleeping [18]. Thus, generally saying the environment is a huge part of the education process.

From this point of view, it’s nearly to impossible to create anything sane within the cold hardware box just by showing it how its neural nets should behave. Returning to Dawkins definition, an ability to develop one’s efficiently and rationally requires an ability to have an inner view of oneself from aside, as a different subject. Therefore, the principles of AGI architecture should involve theory of mind and empathy, and psyche is unavoidable and inseparable part of consciousness. Following this speculation to the very root of things – the necessity of some reason to exist – will obtain increasingly human features. It might be happening because the only possible way to progress the consciousness has already naturally produced us, Homo sapiens, with wide palette of genetically encoded “firmware” which makes every personality totally unique, consequently, able to produce valid useful response to changing of others and is an important participant of the whole info-system evolution process by education of its parts.

A stand-alone “Skynet”, which is hostile to humanity and has casually extirpated it, will degrade out of the same principle it will occurred with any consciousness face to face with the abyss. All-in-all the uniqueness of every human personality is the resource of development. Taking this into consideration the using bio-carriers conservative method of reproduction as a fundamental process of self-updating from one side and family members response to daily renewal of an info entity from the other will let this new being to attain constant robust development.

To Homo Hybridus our fears of AI will seem as ridiculous as if a savage feared his reflection in a mirror. To it it’s a fact that the idea to create the artificial consciousness with actual technology level from zero ground is as arrogant as the Babel Tower building; that cyberization of immobilized people by giving them new powerful bodies leads to increasing outcomes for all – for the person and for the humanity; that travelling to another planets is way safer, when you have a direct link with each other biological, mechanical and information creature onboard [19].

It’s a fact that modern Perseus should merge into the waves of the river to spark the new age fire. Catching sight of himself on the surface of the water, he will not have the fear. As a creature is always its creator’s reflection. So, we surely should not be afraid of our future because of our child, since it’s a child of good people. Even though it stands in the doorway empowered with the gun and is looking no longer exactly human.


[1]          V. Gherhes, “Why Are We Afraid of Artificial Intelligence (Ai)?,” Eur. Rev. Appl. Sociol., vol. 11, pp. 6–15, Dec. 2018, doi: 10.1515/eras-2018-0006.

[2]          A. Smith and M. Anderson, “Automation in everyday life,” p. 78.

[3]          E. R. Musk, S. W. Hawking et al., “Research Priorities for Robust and Beneficial Artificial Intelligence: An Open Letter,” Future of Life Institute. https://futureoflife.org/ai-open-letter/ (accessed Nov. 17, 2021).

[4]          R. Cellan-Jones, “Stephen Hawking warns artificial intelligence could end mankind,” BBC News, Dec. 02, 2014. Accessed: Oct. 28, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-30290540

[5]          M. McFarland, “Elon Musk: ‘With artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon.,’” Washington Post. Accessed: Oct. 28, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/innovations/wp/2014/10/24/elon-musk-with-artificial-intelligence-we-are-summoning-the-demon/

[6]          L. Majumdar Roy Choudhury, A. Aoun, D. Badawy, L. A. de Alburquerque Bacardit, Y. Marjane, and A. Wilkinson, “Letter dated 8 March 2021 from the Panel of Experts on Libya established pursuant to resolution 1973 (2011) addressed to the President of the Security Council.” Accessed: Nov. 02, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://undocs.org/S/2021/229

[7]          R. Dawkins, The selfish gene. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1976.

[8]          R. Kurzweil, “The Law of Accelerating Returns,” R. Kurzweil site. https://www.kurzweilai.net/the-law-of-accelerating-returns (accessed Oct. 28, 2021).

[9]          Kevin Featherly, “Neuromancer | Summary & Cultural Impact,” Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Neuromancer (accessed Nov. 17, 2021).

[10]        R. Longo, K. Reeves, D. Lundgren, and D. Meyer, Johnny Mnemonic, (May 26, 1995).

[11]        E. Fernández et al., “Visual percepts evoked with an Intracortical 96-channel microelectrode array inserted in human occipital cortex,” J. Clin. Invest., Oct. 2021, doi: 10.1172/JCI151331.

[12]        B. Goertzel, “Artificial General Intelligence,” Scholarpedia, vol. 10, no. 11, p. 31847, Nov. 2015, doi: 10.4249/scholarpedia.31847.

[13]        G. E. Pugh, The biological origin of human values. New York: Basic Books, 1977.

[14]        Kara Rogers, “Abiogenesis | Definition & Theory,” Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/science/abiogenesis (accessed Nov. 17, 2021).

[15]        J. Frankenfield, “Introduction to Cryptojacking,” Investopedia. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/cryptojacking.asp (accessed Nov. 17, 2021).

[16]        N. Savage, “The race to the top among the world’s leaders in artificial intelligence,” Nature, vol. 588, no. 7837, pp. S102–S104, Dec. 2020, doi: 10.1038/d41586-020-03409-8.

[17]        M. E. Castro-Peraza et al., “Gender Identity: The Human Right of Depathologization,” Int. J. Environ. Res. Public. Health, vol. 16, no. 6, Art. no. 6, Jan. 2019, doi: 10.3390/ijerph16060978.

[18]        T. Andrillon, D. Pressnitzer, D. Léger, and S. Kouider, “Formation and suppression of acoustic memories during human sleep,” Nat. Commun., vol. 8, no. 1, p. 179, Aug. 2017, doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00071-z.

[19]        C. Nolan, M. McConaughey, A. Hathaway, and J. Chastain, Interstellar, (Nov. 07, 2014). [Online Video]. Available: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0816692/

