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Логичнее была бы инструкция then, чем else.

Как я понял, retool это шаблонизатор форм и они для демо-данныx сделали выгрузку из fakerCloud, причем сам fakerCloud делает ссылку на аватар со своего хоста. При этом, еще до этого случая retool донатил $2500 на fakerJs.
Вот ответ CEO retool:
Hi all! I'm David, CEO @ Retool. I'm looking in to this right now and will update my comment here with a response in the next two hours.
Edit: just did a bit of digging.
It looks like we have a Retool template that has some fake data in it (https://retool.com/api-generator/). This is an app built in Retool, and has a few thousand rows of hard-coded data.
Most of this fake data is self-generated, but we used the faker.js library (https://github.com/marak/Faker.js/) to generate three datatypes: IP address, avatar, and industry. This MIT licensed library, when used, creates data that links directly to fakercloud (https://cdn.fakercloud.com/avatars/). Here is the code itself: github.com/Marak/faker.js/blob/master/lib/internet.j..., and here is a demo that shows the library generating those links: rawgit.com/Marak/faker.js/master/examples/browser/in
I just spoke to the engineers who worked on this project, and we are sorry for including links to fakercloud. This wasn’t intentional, and we just pushed a commit removing all avatars from the template. This is already deployed. I hope you all can understand why we trusted the data generated by the MIT licensed project, and didn’t think it would link to anything proprietary.
I myself am an engineer (and avid HN reader, as evinced by how I found this while reading HN on a Sat night), understand Marak’s frustration, and agree that monetizing OSS is hard. While we’ve already contributed around $10k to various libraries we use (https://opencollective.com/retool), including faker.js, Babel, ESLint, and JSON Schema, I’m going to see if there is more we can do. We’ll be writing a blog post about it this week and I will follow up with more next steps. I wonder whether there is a better way of sponsoring OSS, other than just donating dollars every month? (Maybe we could commit one engineering-day per month for contributing back to OSS libraries we use heavily?) In the meantime, we'll certainly continue sponsoring all the libraries we’re sponsoring already, including faker.js.
(Also: I’m sorry to Marak for not responding to his email re. acquiring Faker. More in this child thread: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27252420)
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Калининград (Кенигсберг), Калининградская обл., Россия