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General-purpose, imperative computer programming language, supporting structured programming, lexical variable scope and recursion, while a static type system prevents many unintended operations

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Static analysis protects your code from time bombs

Reading time2 min

Static code analysis allows you to identify and eliminate many defects at an early stage. Moreover, it's possible to detect dormant errors that don't show themselves when they appear. They can cause many problems in the future and it requires many hours of debugging to detect them. Let's look at an example of such a dormant error.

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Total votes 2: ↑2 and ↓0+2

A Beautiful Error in the Implementation of the String Concatenation Function

Reading time4 min

We, the PVS-Studio static code analyzer developers, have a peculiar view on beauty. On the beauty of bugs. We like to find grace in errors, examine them, try to guess how they appeared. Today we have an interesting case when the concepts of length and size got mixed up in the code.


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Total votes 2: ↑1 and ↓10

The Implementation of a Custom Domain Name Server by Using С Sockets

Reading time5 min

We describe the implementation of a custom Domain Name System (DNS) by using C socket programming for network communication, together with SQLite3 database for the storage of Internet Protocol (IP) for Uniform Resource Locator (URL). Then we provide a performance analysis of our implementation. Our code is available publicly [1].

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Total votes 3: ↑2 and ↓1+3

Example of How New Diagnostics Appear in PVS-Studio

Reading time4 min

PVS-Studio new C++ rule

Users sometimes ask how new diagnostics appear in the PVS-Studio static analyzer. We answer that we draw inspiration from a variety of sources: books, coding standards, our own mistakes, our users' emails, and others. Recently we came up with an interesting idea of a new diagnostic. Today we decided to tell the story of how it happened.

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Short-lived Music or MuseScore Code Analysis

Reading time11 min

Having only programming background, it is impossible to develop software in some areas. Take the difficulties of medical software development as an example. The same is with music software, which will be discussed in this article. Here you need an advice of subject matter experts. However, it's more expensive for software development. That is why developers sometimes save on code quality. The example of the MuseScore project check, described in the article, will show the importance of code quality expertise. Hopefully, programming and musical humor will brighten up the technical text.

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Total votes 2: ↑1 and ↓10

PVS-Studio, Blender: Series of Notes on Advantages of Regular Static Analysis of Code

Reading time5 min

PVS-Studio and Blender

In our articles, we regularly repeat an important idea: a static analyzer should be used regularly. This helps detect and cheaply fix many errors at the earliest stage. It looks nice in theory. As we know, actions still speak louder than words. Let's look at some recent bugs in new code of the Blender project.

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Finding Typos in the GTK 4 Project by PVS-Studio

Reading time16 min


You may have already read a recent article about the first PVS-Studio run and filtration of warnings. We used the GTK 4 project as an example. It's about time we worked with the received report in more detail. Our regular readers may have already guessed that this article will be a description of errors found in the code.

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Total votes 3: ↑2 and ↓1+4

Espressif IoT Development Framework: 71 Shots in the Foot

Reading time28 min

One of our readers recommended paying heed to the Espressif IoT Development Framework. He found an error in the project code and asked if the PVS-Studio static analyzer could find it. The analyzer can't detect this specific error so far, but it managed to spot many others. Based on this story and the errors found, we decided to write a classic article about checking an open source project. Enjoy exploring what IoT devices can do to shoot you in the foot.

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Total votes 1: ↑1 and ↓0+1

GTK: The First Analyzer Run in Figures

Reading time5 min

For some people, the introduction of a static analyzer into a project seems like an insurmountable obstacle. It is widely believed that the amount of analysis results issued after the first run is so large that only two options seem reasonable: do not mess with it at all or refocus all people on fixing warnings. In this article, we will try to dispel this myth by implementing and configuring the analyzer on a GTK project.

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Why PVS-Studio Doesn't Offer Automatic Fixes

Reading time4 min
Why PVS-Studio Doesn't Offer Automatic Fixes

Static analyzer PVS-Studio can detect bugs in pretty complex and intricate parts of code, and coming up with appropriate fixes for such bugs may be a tough task even for human developers. That's exactly the reason why we should avoid offering any options for automatic fixing at all. Here are a couple of examples.
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Total votes 3: ↑1 and ↓20

Part 2: Upsetting Opinions about Static Analyzers

Reading time4 min
Единорог грустит

By writing the article "Upsetting Opinions about Static Analyzers" we were supposed to get it off our chest and peacefully let it all go. However, the article unexpectedly triggered robust feedback. Unfortunately, the discussion went in the wrong direction, and now we will make a second attempt to explain our view of this situation.
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Total votes 3: ↑2 and ↓1+5

Upsetting Opinions about Static Analyzers

Reading time2 min
Static analysis tools have advanced far over the time they've been around. They no longer resemble the "linters" that were in active use 20 years ago. But some programmers still view them as extremely primitive tools. And that's very sad. It hurts to see the static analysis methodology in general and our PVS-Studio analyzer in particular treated that way.

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Total votes 3: ↑3 and ↓0+3

Checking QEMU using PVS-Studio

Reading time14 min

QEMU is a rather well-known application for emulation. Static analysis can help developers of complex projects such as QEMU catch errors at early stages and generally improve quality and reliability of a project. In this article, we will check the source code of the QEMU application for potential vulnerabilities and errors using the PVS-Studio static analysis tool.
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Total votes 3: ↑3 and ↓0+3

Static code analysis of the PMDK library collection by Intel and errors that are not actual errors

Reading time14 min
PVS-Studio, PMDK

We were asked to check a collection of open source PMDK libraries for developing and debugging applications with NVRAM support by PVS-Studio. Well, why not? Moreover, this is a small project in C and C++ with a total code base size of about 170 KLOC without comments. Which means, the results review won't take much energy and time. Let's go.
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Total votes 2: ↑2 and ↓0+2

C2x: the future C standard

Reading time8 min


I strain to make the far-off echo yield
A cue to the events that may come in my day.
(‘Doctor Zhivago’, Boris Pasternak)

I’ll be honest: I don’t write in pure C that often anymore and I haven’t been following the language’s development for a long time. However, two unexpected things happened recently: С won back the title of the most popular programming language according to TIOBE, and the first truly interesting book in years on this language was published. So, I decided to spend a few evenings studying material on C2x, the future version of C.

Here I will share with you what I consider to be its most interesting new features.

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Total votes 14: ↑13 and ↓1+20

The Code of the Command & Conquer Game: Bugs from the 90's. Volume two

Reading time13 min

The American company Electronic Arts Inc (EA) has opened the source code of the games Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn and Command & Conquer: Red Alert publicly available. Several dozen errors were detected in the source code using the PVS-Studio analyzer, so, please, welcome the continuation of found defects review.
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Total votes 4: ↑4 and ↓0+4

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