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Tarantool Kubernetes Operator

Reading time10 min

Kubernetes has already become a de-facto standard for running stateless applications, mainly because it can reduce time-to-market for new features. Launching stateful applications, such as databases or stateful microservices, is still a complex task, but companies have to meet the competition and maintain a high delivery rate. So they create a demand for such solutions.

We want to introduce our solution for launching stateful Tarantool Cartridge clusters: Tarantool Kubernetes Operator, more under the cut.
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Total votes 34: ↑34 and ↓0+34

Tarantool Data Grid: Architecture and Features

Reading time6 min

In 2017, we won the competition for the development of the transaction core for Alfa-Bank's investment business and started working at once. (Vladimir Drynkin, Development Team Lead for Alfa-Bank's Investment Business Transaction Core, spoke about the investment business core at HighLoad++ 2018.) This system was supposed to aggregate transaction data in different formats from various sources, unify the data, save it, and provide access to it.

In the process of development, the system evolved and extended its functions. At some point, we realized that we created something much more than just application software designed for a well-defined scope of tasks: we created a system for building distributed applications with persistent storage. Our experience served as a basis for the new product, Tarantool Data Grid (TDG).

I want to talk about TDG architecture and the solutions that we worked out during the development. I will introduce the basic functions and show how our product could become the basis for building turnkey solutions.
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Total votes 39: ↑38 and ↓1+37

Тarantool Cartridge: Sharding Lua Backend in Three Lines

Reading time8 min

In Mail.ru Group, we have Tarantool, a Lua-based application server and a database united. It's fast and classy, but the resources of a single server are always limited. Vertical scaling is also not the panacea. That is why Tarantool has some tools for horizontal scaling, or the vshard module [1]. It allows you to spread data across multiple servers, but you'll have to tinker with it for a while to configure it and bolt on the business logic.

Good news: we got our share of bumps (for example, [2], [3]) and created another framework, which significantly simplifies the solution to this problem.

Тarantool Cartridge is the new framework for developing complex distributed systems. It allows you to concentrate on writing business logic instead of solving infrastructure problems. Under the cut, I will tell you how this framework works and how it could help in writing distributed services.
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Total votes 26: ↑25 and ↓1+24

How we made landmark recognition in Cloud Mail.ru, and why

Reading time11 min

With the advent of mobile phones with high-quality cameras, we started making more and more pictures and videos of bright and memorable moments in our lives. Many of us have photo archives that extend back over decades and comprise thousands of pictures which makes them increasingly difficult to navigate through. Just remember how long it took to find a picture of interest just a few years ago.

One of Mail.ru Cloud’s objectives is to provide the handiest means for accessing and searching your own photo and video archives. For this purpose, we at Mail.ru Computer Vision Team have created and implemented systems for smart image processing: search by object, by scene, by face, etc. Another spectacular technology is landmark recognition. Today, I am going to tell you how we made this a reality using Deep Learning.
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Total votes 45: ↑44 and ↓1+43

Tips and tricks from my Telegram-channel @pythonetc, August 2019

Reading time4 min

It is a new selection of tips and tricks about Python and programming from my Telegram-channel @pythonetc.

Previous publications

If an instance of a class doesn’t have an attribute with the given name, it tries to access the class attribute with the same name.

>>> class A:
...     x = 2
>>> A.x
>>> A().x
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Total votes 29: ↑27 and ↓2+25

How to Make Emails and Not Mess Up: Practical Tips

Reading time23 min

A developer, who first encountered generating emails, has almost no chance to write an application, that will do it correctly. Around 40% of emails, generated by corporate applications, are violating some form of standard, and due to this, there are problems with delivery and display. There are reasons for this: emails are technically more difficult than the web, and operating emails is regulated by a few hundred standards, as well as an uncountable number of generally accepted (and not as much) practices, whereas the email clients are more varied and unpredictable than browsers. Testing may significantly improve the situation, but materials that are dedicated to testing the email system, are practically non-existent.

Mail.ru regularly interacts with its users by email. In our projects, all the components responsible for generating emails and even individual mailings, are subject to mandatory testing. In this article, we will share our experience (learning from our mistakes).
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Total votes 40: ↑40 and ↓0+40

Tips and tricks from my Telegram-channel @pythonetc, July 2019

Reading time4 min

It is a new selection of tips and tricks about Python and programming from my Telegram-channel @pythonetc.

Previous publications

You can’t mutate closure variables by simply assigning them. Python treats assignment as a definition inside a function body and doesn’t make closure at all.
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Total votes 22: ↑21 and ↓1+20

Contextual Emotion Detection in Textual Conversations Using Neural Networks

Reading time10 min

Nowadays, talking to conversational agents is becoming a daily routine, and it is crucial for dialogue systems to generate responses as human-like as possible. As one of the main aspects, primary attention should be given to providing emotionally aware responses to users. In this article, we are going to describe the recurrent neural network architecture for emotion detection in textual conversations, that participated in SemEval-2019 Task 3 “EmoContext”, that is, an annual workshop on semantic evaluation. The task objective is to classify emotion (i.e. happy, sad, angry, and others) in a 3-turn conversational data set.
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Total votes 37: ↑37 and ↓0+37

AI-Based Photo Restoration

Reading time7 min

Hi everybody! I’m a research engineer at the Mail.ru Group computer vision team. In this article, I’m going to tell a story of how we’ve created AI-based photo restoration project for old military photos. What is «photo restoration»? It consists of three steps:

  • we find all the image defects: fractures, scuffs, holes;
  • we inpaint the discovered defects, based on the pixel values around them;
  • we colorize the image.

Further, I’ll describe every step of photo restoration and tell you how we got our data, what nets we trained, what we accomplished, and what mistakes we made.
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Total votes 34: ↑33 and ↓1+32

Tips and tricks from my Telegram-channel @pythonetc, June 2019

Reading time3 min

It is a new selection of tips and tricks about Python and programming from my Telegram-channel @pythonetc.

Previous publications

The \ symbol in regular string have special meaning. \t is tab character, \r is carriage return and so on.

You can use raw-strings to disable this behaviour. r'\t' is just backslash and t.

You obviously can’t use ' inside r'...'. However, it still can be escaped by \, but \ is preserved in the string:
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Total votes 24: ↑20 and ↓4+16

Security of mobile OAuth 2.0

Reading time12 min

Popularity of mobile applications continues to grow. So does OAuth 2.0 protocol on mobile apps. It's not enough to implement standard as is to make OAuth 2.0 protocol secure there. One needs to consider the specifics of mobile applications and apply some additional security mechanisms.

In this article, I want to share the concepts of mobile OAuth 2.0 attacks and security mechanisms used to prevent such issues. Described concepts are not new but there is a lack of the structured information on this topic. The main aim of the article is to fill this gap.
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Total votes 34: ↑33 and ↓1+32

Who is stealing virtual CPU time?

Reading time10 min

Hi! In this article, I want to explain, in layman’s terms, how steal appears in VMs and tell you about some of the less-than-obvious artifacts that we found during research on the topic that I was involved in as CTO of the Mail.ru Cloud Solutions platform. The platform runs KVM.
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Total votes 34: ↑33 and ↓1+32

In-App Updates Flexible Flow: Speed Up the App Update Process on Android

Reading time7 min

With a variety of new tools and features announced at Android Dev Summit, special attention should be given to the In-App Updates (IAUs) API allowing developers to increase the speed of delivering features, bug-fixes and performance improvements to active users. Since this feature was finally released after Google I/O 2019, in this article I’ll deep dive on IAUs API, describe in details recommended user flows and provide with some code samples. Moreover, I'll share some experience of IAUs integration in the Pandao app, a marketplace platform for Chinese goods.
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Total votes 25: ↑25 and ↓0+25

Citymobil — a manual for improving availability amid business growth for startups. Part 5

Reading time8 min

This is the final part of the series describing how we’re increasing our service availability in Citymobil (you can read the previous part here). Now I’m going to talk about one more type of outages and the conclusions we made about them, how we modified the development process, what automation we introduced.
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Total votes 24: ↑24 and ↓0+24

Citymobil — a manual for improving availability amid business growth for startups. Part 4

Reading time7 min

This is the next article of the series describing how we’re increasing our service availability in Citymobil (you can read the previous parts here: part 1, part 2, part 3). In further parts, I’ll talk about the accidents and outages in detail.

1. Bad release: database overload

Let me begin with a specific example of this type of outage. We deployed an optimization: added USE INDEX in an SQL query; during testing as well as in production, it sped up short queries, but the long ones — slowed down. The long queries slowdown was only noticed in production. As a result, a lot of long parallel queries caused the database to be down for an hour. We thoroughly studied the way USE INDEX worked; we described it in the Do’s and Dont’s file and warned the engineers against the incorrect usage. We also analyzed the query and realized that it retrieves mostly historical data and, therefore, can be run on a separate replica for historical requests. Even if this replica goes down due to an overload, the business will keep running.
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Total votes 17: ↑16 and ↓1+15


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