Telling a case story
A case story is a real story from your practice — a description of a non-standard task or problem and the way you solve it. Unsuccessful cases are also useful, they will help someone not to make a mistake. To put it simply, a case is a story that you can start with words: I tell you what!
How to write
Keep it simple, write without nerdiness. Choose clear wording, compose simple sentences. Try to make the story narrative and put everything on a timeline.
Only talk about personal experiences and situations in which you’ve been directly involved. If you have only been onlooker you probably do not know about the important nuances.
The most important thing in a case story is not the story itself, but the conclusion from it, your thoughts about what you have achieved. Or what you could have done to avoid a difficult situation.
In general the structure of the case story can be described as follows:
Setting → your story without embellishment → result → reflexion |
What to write about
You can tell literally anything that can help others:
How you got the Internet in the woods 300 miles away from the nearest city
How you restored 20-year-old computer
How you designed 100 icons in a hurry, although only 20 were necessary.
How to bring the team together and improve the performance.
How you accepted an offer and moved to New Zealand but then changed your mind