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What is the difference between px, em, rem, %? The answer is here

Reading time3 min


Beginners in web-development usually use px as the main size unit for HTML elements and text. But this is not entirely correct. There are other useful units for the font-size in CSS. Let's look at the most widely-used ones and find out when and where we can use them.

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Total votes 3: ↑0 and ↓3-3

How To Solve?: «ECONNREFUSED — connection refused by server»

Reading time3 min

Chances are that while you've been using FileZilla you've also come across the ECONNREFUSED — connection refused by a server error. If that's the case — great that you've found this tutorial! I am going to show you three methods that might help you with resolving this FTP error.

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Total votes 3: ↑1 and ↓2+1

Eliminating Render-Blocking JavaScript and CSS on WordPress

Reading time4 min

Outstanding loading speed is an essential website feature for a high ranking in SERP (Search Engine Result Pages). PageSpeed Insights by Google is an excellent tool for precisely that — optimizing your website’s loading speed. Let’s say you’re using this tool and get the “Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content” warning. No need to worry! In this tutorial, I will show you how to address the issue.

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Python-Celery in Windows with Docker managing

Reading time2 min
To 'adequately' debug Celery under Windows, there are several ways such as:

> celery worker --app=demo_app.core --pool=solo --loglevel=INFO

But in fact for normal development, you need a Unix system. If you do not have the opportunity to use it as a native, then it is worth considering...) Well, to be honest, there is always a way out and this is Docker and WSL. If you use such “cool” IDEs like PyCharm, then everything becomes more complicated, because using the WSL interpreter, installing the package with pip, you will have to manually update the project skeleton due to indexing problems.
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Total votes 3: ↑2 and ↓1+3

How 5G's Acceleration will move through the Mobile App Development Space?

Reading time6 min
5G ( Fifth Generation Wireless Cellular Network) is not just a possibility anymore. The forthcoming of 2020 has unfold avenues for 5G browser capabilities in smartphones.

With the recent 5G rollout, it has been predicted that over 1.4 billion devices will be running on the 5G network by 2025 — accounting for 15% of the global total.

Source: Google Images
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Total votes 5: ↑3 and ↓2+6

5 Top Software Development Companies in the USA For Retail Startups

Reading time7 min

PIM software or product information management represents a solution for e-commerce businesses where they can consolidate all of their product information into a single place.

PIM software implementations generally provide support for challenges related to:

  • Handling multi-language data
  • Multiple geographic locations
  • Modification of product information within a product catalog
  • Managing product information to be scattered throughout business processes

While PIM software handles most of the e-commerce challenges, it also works as an efficient tool that powers – omnichannel experience, product expansion to new markets, increased conversion rates, superior customer experiences, decreasing the number of product returns, and faster time-to-market.

In general, product information management or PIM software is a set of business applications focused on managing product information for use across an e-commerce business from the supply chain to managing customers, product presentation, data handling, and catalog management.
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Total votes 3: ↑3 and ↓0+3

Prettier is a Must-Have for Large-Scale Projects: Spent 20 Minutes Setting It Up and Forgot About Formatting for a Year

Reading time3 min
Many dev teams get split over formatting. And their typical day looks like this: you come to work, have some coffee, write some code, everything’s fine — then bam! Code review where you’re told you put a brace in the wrong place.


It was an everyday reality for one of Skyeng dev teams a year ago. Then someone had enough and said, “Guys, from now on we use Prettier. Is everyone ok with that?” And then there were no more debates about formatting. We’ve installed Prettier in the frontend repo and all the teams use it.
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Total votes 6: ↑5 and ↓1+8

PHP Best Practices to Follow in 2020

Reading time10 min

Web development trends seem to be heading more towards server-side scripting languages over client-side scripting languages. And it can be difficult to decide where to start and what to choose.

This year W3techs.com, a web technology survey portal, released a list of the five most in-demand server-side programming languages for web development.

Here is the list:
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Total votes 4: ↑0 and ↓4-4

Top Web Development Companies To Seek In 2020 For Startups

Reading time5 min
2020 is going to be a competitive year especially for business people. A large number of startups and small businesses are outsourcing their projects to the best web development agencies because of the skilled resources, outsourcing-friendly policies, high-quality work, affordable price and favorable time zones they have.

But selecting a good company can be a daunting task because we are surrounded by a pool of such companies today. Keeping this in my mind, I have shortlisted some of these companies to help you choose the best one which offers world-class web development services at affordable rates.

I have checked the diversified portfolio, their tech teams expertise, client’s feedback, reviews from sites like Goodfirms and Clutch before making this list. Moreover, I have taken references from some popular platforms viz. hackernoon, dev.to, yourstory, quora, medium and habr.

Lets' dive into my research work on this which would surely meet your business requirements.

1) Sysbee


Locale: Pula, Croatia
Budget array: $1,000+
Employees strength:200 -250
Clientele: Infobip, Atheneum, IKEA

Sysbee is a group of systems engineers and infrastructure architects dedicated to bringing modern DevOps culture to small and medium enterprises, with more than 15 years of experience in the field of web services and cloud hosting.

Provides top-notch web development services for a transmission and media company. The client needed IT experts to help with the organization and maintenance of their AWS infrastructure. As a result of this project, the media company saw an influx of new users and improved its market position.
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Total votes 3: ↑2 and ↓1+3

Node.js VS Python: Which is Better?

Reading time8 min

If you are landing on this page you might be looking for several questions like:

– NodeJS or Python: which is the right choice for my next web app development project?

– Which programming language cost me less?

– Which programming language is suitable for which industry?

– Which programming language is suitable for small business or large scale enterprises?

– Which programming language is scalable, high performing and secure?

In this blog post, I’m going to answer all these questions AND MORE THAN THAT! So, continue reading this blog post:
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Total votes 3: ↑0 and ↓3-3

PHP vs Python vs Ruby on Rails: Detailed Comparison

Reading time3 min

Which is the best programming technology for web app development in the year 2020? This is one of the most debated questions among web programmers, students and companies (wanted to develop their own website). Actually, every language has its own pros, cons or advantages, disadvantages. It totally depends on your requirements for website development.

In this blog post, I am going to clear your many doubts related to these programming languages or technologies, so that you can choose the best language according to your specific needs and requirements. Here, I’ll do a detailed and comprehensive comparison between these three most popular programming technologies viz. PHP vs Python vs Ruby (RoR). The comparison is on the basis of various stats and data on different parameters. So, let’s start the battle of most popular programming languages ie: PHP vs Python vs Ruby (RoR).
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Total votes 12: ↑0 and ↓12-12

Understanding the Concept of Modern Web App Development In 2020

Reading time8 min

Millions of businesses exchange information on the internet and to interact with their target audience. This helps them make fast and secure transactions over the web. However, business goals can be achieved when the businesses are able to store all this data for the means of presenting quality output to the end users.

Simply put, in the development industry a web application (or “web app”) is more like a program that uses a web browser to handle the storage and retrieval of the information to present information to the users. This allows a user to interact with the company using the online forms, e-shopping carts, CMS, etc. Some more examples of web applications are online banking, online polls, online forums, online reservations, shopping cart, and interactive games.

Learning about web development is kind of like having too many things on a plate. This blog serves as a way to get your acquainted with the world of web app development.
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Total votes 4: ↑2 and ↓20

Node.JS Vs PHP: Which is a better programming language?

Reading time4 min

In the online advancement world, Node.js and PHP are the most well-known programming languages being used. Although both of these languages are able to manage the applications of any sort of complexity, they are being built around the different concepts & architectures. If you are an app owner or looking to develop a website, you might be wanting to choose between these two environments, therefore, you must know about the major differences, advantages, and limitations of the two languages.
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Total votes 12: ↑2 and ↓10-6

Introducing Java 13: Let's dive Into JDK's New Features

Reading time5 min

Java has been a programmer’s dream and what’s the better way to quantify Java’s popularity with the new version release Java 13. After the initial Java enhancement proposal, there have been advancements in JDK features that will blow up Java developer’s mind with a new range of features after the official release on September 17, 2019.

But Why do you think Java is so popular?

Java has been a craze among programmers due to its platform independence and the ability to run on different computers. It has been there for so long that it has been adopted by organizations like banks, insurance companies, enterprises, agencies and mostly by software outsourcing companies.

Java has been there in the business to develop android apps, java web applications, software tools, and scientific applications.

Let us delve into the stats and gauge the popularity ratio of Java applications among other competing programming languages.
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Total votes 3: ↑2 and ↓1+1

Introducing PHP 7.4: Performance, Features, Deprecations

Reading time7 min

PHP evolves continuously and they just released their latest PHP 7.4 update. Performance and speed keep advancing, as we have already been proved in the past PHP 7 releases. Preloading is one of the most thrilling new updates. It quickens script execution and makes code cleaner and faster due to the simplified common lines of code.

PHP is an important element in the world wide web and is used in over 79% of all websites. Well-known websites like Facebook, Wikipedia, WordPress and much more are using PHP.
We can see a double speed increase when looking at WordPress sites running PHP and comparing PHP 5 and 7. While using the latest PHP version out there — WordPress powered websites gain the most.

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Total votes 3: ↑2 and ↓1+3

Review of WCS 5.2 — WebRTC Server for Webcast and Webcam Developers

Reading time13 min

Alice is an experienced full stack developer, who is capable of writing a SAAS project framework on her favorite framework using php in a week. As for frontend, she prefers Vue.js. 

A client contacts you via Telegram, asking you to develop website that will be the meeting place for the employer and the employee to conduct an in-person interview. In-person means face-to-face, a direct video contact in real time with video and voice. «Why not use Skype?» some may ask. It just so happened that serious projects – and each startup undoubtedly considers itself a serious project – are trying to offer an internal communications service for a variety of reasons, including:

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Total votes 3: ↑2 and ↓1+1

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