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The hard-to-catch bug in LittleBigPlanet

Reading time2 min

Author of the original post in Russian: HotWaterMusic

The history of the world's gamedev knows quite a few curious bugs that had to be tackled by developers. In fact, judging from the story that Media Molecule's CTO Alex Evans shared on his Twitter page this past weekend, many legends are still waiting to be heard. Evans is famous for his part in a demoscene performance of late 1990s and his work on the LittleBigPlanet game series and on Rag Doll Kung Fu.

The case I am referring to in this article took place ten years ago, in 2008. While working on the first part of LittleBigPlanet — an original puzzle platform video game that was to be released exclusively for PlayStation 3 — the company's developers came across a really hard-to-catch bug.

Normally, for a game to get the green light to be released for consoles, it needs to pass a certification process, i.e. meet a set of requirements predefined by the platform owner. The certification may also include more specific requirements, such as the game running smoothly without crashing for 24 hours.

The development of LittleBigPlanet was at its last stage, with just two weeks to final deployment and distribution. Suddenly a tester from the company's QA in Japan reported that the game was consistently crashing when left overnight. Now the release was evidently out of question unless the bug was fixed.
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Total votes 13: ↑13 and ↓0+13

Real-time edge detection using FPGA

Reading time8 min


Our project implements a real-time edge detection system based on capturing image frames from an OV7670 camera and streaming them to a VGA monitor after applying a grayscale filter and Sobel operator. Our design is built on a Cyclone IV FPGA board which enables us to optimize the performance using the powerful features of the low-level hardware and parallel computations which is important to meet the requirements of the real-time system.

We used ZEOWAA FPGA development board which is based on Cyclone IV (EP4CE6E22C8N). Also, we used Quartus Prime Lite Edition as a development environment and Verilog HDL as a programming language. In addition, we used the built-in VGA interface to drive the VGA monitor, and GPIO (General Pins for Input and Output) to connect the external hardware with our board.

ZEOWAA FPGA development board

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Total votes 55: ↑41 and ↓14+27

Stack-based calculator on the Cyclone IV FPGA board

Reading time12 min


As first-year students of Innopolis University, we had an opportunity to make our own project in computer architecture. University suggested us several projects and we have chosen to make a stack-based calculator with reverse polish notation. One of the requirements for the project is to use FPGA board provided by the university.

As our board, we have chosen Cyclon IV. Therefore, we had to write code on hardware description language. In the course we have studied Verilog, so we have chosen it. Also, the university has additional modules for FPGA, such as numpad, thus we decided to use it in our project.

In this article, we want to share our knowledge about FPGA and Verilog, also provide you with a tutorial to repeat our project.
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Total votes 75: ↑58 and ↓17+41

How linear algebra is applied in machine learning

Reading time5 min

When you study an abstract subject like linear algebra, you may wonder: why do you need all these vectors and matrices? How are you going to apply all this inversions, transpositions, eigenvector and eigenvalues for practical purposes?

Well, if you study linear algebra with the purpose of doing machine learning, this is the answer for you.

In brief, you can use linear algebra for machine learning on 3 different levels:

  • application of a model to data;
  • training the model;
  • understanding how it works or why it does not work.

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Total votes 49: ↑37 and ↓12+25

«Чемодан из крокодиловой кожи» или «мешок с аллигатором»: сравнение подключенных к Lokalise онлайн-переводчиков

Reading time9 min
Пользователи Lokalise могут выбирать, локализовать им свой продукт с привлечением наёмных переводчиков площадки, с собственной командой или исключительно своими силами. Именно для упрощения процедуры локализации тех проектов, где профессиональные переводчики не нужны и достаточно собственных знаний языка, мы и предоставляем нашим пользователям возможность использовать встроенные в Lokalise популярные системы машинного перевода от Google, Yandex, Microsoft и SDL. О том, как переводят эти системы, мы сегодня и поговорим на конкретных примерах.

Google Machine Translate/Google Neural Translate

Около полугода назад компания Google заявила о подключении очередного набора языков к нейронной сети своего сервиса Google Translate, в том числе и русского. Событие это стало знаковым для всего русскоязычного интернет-пространства: ежедневно тысячи человек пользуются встроенным в Chrome переводчиком Google или идут на сайт Google Translate за переводом иностранного текста на родной язык.
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Total votes 25: ↑25 and ↓0+25
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