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I ruin developers’ lives with my code reviews and I'm sorry

Reading time5 min

Once upon a time there was a guy on my team so weak that he was going to be fired (a developer! Fired!). Every comment of mine was another nail in his coffin. I could almost hear the bang of the hammer every time I clicked “Submit review”. He was a nice person and I almost felt bad for him, but it didn’t stop me from tearing his work to shreds. I had an inalienable right to criticize his work, right? I’m a better developer, therefore I’m right. No one wants to say that bad code is good, right? He was eventually fired, not before leaving him without the customary bonus for a couple months.

I said to myself: “I’m not going to do his work, right? He was taking the place of a more talented developer. I did everything right”. But then I received another pull request for a review, and something changed. Drastically.
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Total votes 40: ↑37 and ↓3+34

On higher education, programmers and blue-collar job

Reading time13 min

“Sometimes it happens that a man’s circle of horizon becomes smaller and smaller, and as the radius approaches zero it concentrates on one point. And then that becomes his point of view.”

David Hilbert
“When I thought I had hit rock bottom, someone knocked from below.”

Stanisław Jerzy Lec


Does a programmer need a higher education? The flow of opinions on this undoubtedly urgent topic has not dried up, so I have decided to express my view. It seems to me the general disappointment in education is due to the numerous processes and changes in the profession and it needs serious study. Below I will discuss the most common misconceptions, myths, and underlying causes of the phenomenon.
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Total votes 23: ↑22 and ↓1+21

Full-stack developers are in fact stuck at mid-level. Spare yourself from suffering – don’t go down that path

Reading time4 min

Back in those times when I just started learning how to code, I trusted the old wise weasels with their “Programming languages don’t matter” mantra. I grew obsessed with the idea of some day becoming a developer who can do just anything. That guy who transfers his experience from one technology to another and transcends the minutia. But that idea failed miserably.

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Total votes 28: ↑24 and ↓4+20

What to think during NALSD interview

Reading time7 min
There are a lot of posts about what a typical coding interview at Google looks like. But, while not as widely described and discussed, there is also quite often a system design interview. For an SRE position it’s NALSD: non-abstract large system design. The key difference between SWE and SRE interviews consists in these two letters: NA.

So, what is the difference? How to be prepared for this interview? Let’s be non-abstract, and use an example. To be more non-abstract, let’s take something from the material world, such that you won’t be asked the exact same thing at the real interview (at least, not at the Google interview) :)

So, let’s design a public library system. For the paper books, like you have seen everywhere around. The whole text below was written all at once within around one hour, to roughly show you the areas that you should be able to cover / touch during the interview. Please excuse some disorder, that’s how I think (therefore I am).
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Total votes 26: ↑24 and ↓2+22

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