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Self-assessment of the quality of OKRs planning

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time3 min


This document is designed to assist managers and teams in crafting high-quality OKRs that maintain focus on executing the company's strategy and achieving ambitious results.

It is recommended to use these quality checklists during quarterly planning when formulating OKRs for the new period.

They will help you find potential areas of improvement and strengthen your OKRs.

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Right now: Business Expansion

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time2 min

I wanted to come on here and tell all of you that we should be expecting a big increase in international business in the next short period of time. I would expect this increase within these next few months. 

Changes are happening right now in America that are World sweeping. Just today the news is extreme about the ending of the war and promoting of international business.

It’s extremely important that if you are running an IT company that you are ready to take advantage of this. 

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UI/UX trends to keep an eye on in 2025

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time3 min

Trends change rapidly in UI/UX, and new year means quite a few new emerging innovations that designers should be aware of in order to create relevant and engaging designs. Some trends stay on from previous years, some are completely new, and some might end up being the fleeting ones, so it’s important to pearl off those that truly elevate user experience and make a better impact on your product. Let’s discuss some of the most anticipated UI/UX trends of the coming year.

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How we test the backend

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time13 min

We are a brokerage platform operating in a dynamic and complex domain. This specificity comes with a set of challenges. On the one hand, it entails a high variability of scenarios and potentially significant risks associated with errors. On the other hand, it has short development iterations with frequent delivery cycles. 

In this article, we will share how we maintain the quality of our numerous backend services, which provide essential information to our trading terminals.

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DAO: Creativity in the Liquid State

Reading time2 min

The photograph accompanying this article captures a moment I once witnessed on a beach in Silicon Valley, California. The endless waves of the Pacific Ocean stretch into the distance, fading and dissolving into the sand. All three states of matter are present here: the solid, unmoving sand; the liquid, flowing water; and the wind — invisible yet tangible chaos of air. This landscape seems to symbolize the transitions and boundaries between order and freedom, between stability and change.

This very scene inspired me to reflect on how DAOs, Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, transform into a "third state" for communities. They combine the chaotic freedom of scattered individuals and the structured order of centralized organizations, creating something new — fluid and adaptive.

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Kill the Troll. Engineering Tale

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time19 min

Have you ever struggled to turn business ideas into a product? Or tried to understand the way another team works?

If you have, you know how exhausting it can be. Different ways of thinking –business, analysis, and engineering – don’t always fit together easily.

This article blends a simple story with engineering tools to show how creativity and structure can work together. Using characters like The King, The Troll, and The Prince, it explores how storytelling can help solve tough problems and make complex ideas clearer.

If you’ve ever faced a "troll" at work, this story might help you see things differently – and maybe even make the process a bit more fun.

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From Idea to Release: The Product Owner’s Role in Feature Development at Exante

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time6 min

Why might a feature not get to production on time? What prevents the team from releasing before the deadline? Can the product owner influence the timeline?

In this article, I will try to answer these questions and suggest solutions for the processes we are implementing and improving within the product team at EXANTE.

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Lifecycle of an IT product using the example of Telepathy – a brain-computer interface (BCI) from Nueralink

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time12 min

1. The purpose of the IT product Telepathy – the brain-computer interface of  Nueralink

The UN General Assembly Resolution of 22.03.2024 No. A/78/L.49 “Harnessing the Potential of Safe, Secure and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence Systems for Sustainable Development” [1] confirms (paragraph 5) that"human rights and fundamental freedoms must be respected, protected and encouraged throughout the life cycle of artificial intelligence systems"and to all Member States of the United Nations and, where appropriate, In such cases, other interested parties should"refrain from using or stop using artificial intelligence systems that cannot be operated in accordance with international law or that create undue risks to the enjoyment of human rights, particularly for those in vulnerable situations,”at the same time"The rights that people have offline must also be protected online, including throughout the life cycle of artificial intelligence systems".

The artificial intelligence (“AI”) systems currently being created, tested and deployed are covered by the broader concept of information technology product (“IT product”).

In turn, the author of the term artificial intelligence, Stanford University professor John McCarthy, defined intelligence as"computing part the ability to achieve goals in the world", and AI is like"science and technology of creation intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs". At the same time, the same author predicts or laments that"Once this works, no one else will will not call it AI."[20]

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Hybrid people — determination of the status of persons who have undergone medical intervention using AI toolkit

Reading time4 min

Dear Colleagues and Friends, 

Since I am only an IT college student so I have not been involved in any serious project in the IT field. However, I hope that my student membership in AСM allows me to share my views with established professionals and thus join a broad and constructive discussion on AI issues. 

Over the past couple of years, the topic of harmonious development of technologies based on the fruits of AI has attracted everyone's close attention. In an effort to understand the current stage of development of this technology and its perception by society and the government, I attended a lot of online events (including extremely enriching ACM Talks webinars), read dozens of articles in the professional and business press, studied regulations AI issues by EU, US and UN.

However, I do not see or feel that this collective search has harmonized the views on AI development expressed by inventors, representatives of the business community, IT specialists, and current and future users of AI products.

As a future IT professional, I would like to see less confrontation and more solidarity regarding the global technological breakthrough.

As an accomplished legal professional, I see that now is an important moment to move from honing the principles of working with AI to formulating and implementing (somewhat proactively) specific mechanisms for the implementation of AI products, as well as establishing fair and responsible regulation of their social and legal consequences. 

In the context of the above, I offer for consideration my views on two aspects of the development and implementation of AI technologies:

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Regulation of computing power, joint insurance of AI products, and protection of hybrid people

Reading time7 min

Issues of cooperation in the field of regulation of computing power, joint insurance of AI products, and determining the social status and protection of persons with a hybrid nervous system (hybrid people) 

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

In furtherance of the discussion on the topic of "Key technology policy issues will be grappling with in 2025", let me outline some mullings at the intersection of the theory and practice of computer science, law, and neuroethics.

«Our society and thus each individual has the possibility to (help) decide how the world, in which we want to live with artificial intelligence in the future, should look. Philosophy, law, and technology play a central role in the discourse that has to be conducted for this purpose» (from Fraunhofer IAIS’s report «Trustworty use of AI»).

 Essential idea of that proposals - drawing from the deep technical expertise of the computing community, to provide to policy leaders and stakeholders nonpartisan theses on policy gaps in the field of neuroethics, development and implementation of ML/AI tools. It is preferable that this regulation be a harmonious symbiosis of legal norms both at the state level and at the level of socially responsible professional communities.

The approach mentioned in paragraph 6.2 of The CEN-CENELEC Focus Group Report: Road Map on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and, in fact, focused on autonomous self-regulation of AI tools (systems) seems inappropriate to current risks and treats: “An alternative approach is that the system itself ensures that modifications of its functionality due to self-learning have no negative impact on assessment topics like safety or fairness”.  Further, in the same place, the potential ineffectiveness of the certification system for AI tools is actually recognized: “For artificial intelligence systems that learn as they are used, the problem is that the behavior of the system changes continuously and will require a new conformity assessment each time.”

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The Yes Conditional/Positive Statement

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time4 min

So let’s talk about the word yes.  Another way to say it is that, we need to give some positive statements to make a sale. 

I said, in the last article that Russians and Eastern European people are much more reserved with giving the answer of yes. So in this culture, it is normal to wait to have more facts about what the work will be for giving a positive answer. But this creates real problem and an absolute block when it comes to selling your IT software and project development to western cultures!

Let’s break this down into understandable pieces. 

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15 quotes about artificial intelligence from world famous people

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time7 min

Over the past two years, artificial intelligence has become one of the main topics in the media and many famous people have expressed their thoughts on this topic. But if you start searching on the Internet for collections of quotes about AI, you will mostly find quotes from CEOs of multi-billion dollar companies, futurists and scientists conducting research in this field. Moreover, these collections are so similar to each other, which sometimes gives the impression that they were compiled by AI. In this article, I have collected quotes from world famous people who are usually not included in such collections of quotes:

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From Junior QA to Product Owner: My Growth Story at EXANTE

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time7 min

Hi, I’m Nastya, the Product Owner of EXANTE’s desktop and web trading terminals. I began working at the company nearly five years ago as a Junior QA Engineer. Since then, I’ve advanced to QA Lead and ultimately to Product Owner. In this article, I’d like to share my growth journey within the company and the steps that helped me progress. I hope that my story will be helpful to those seeking to advance their careers but are unsure where to start.

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8 simple ways to improve UI/UX of any software product over time

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time4 min

Creation of a UX design for a software product is an ongoing process: it doesn’t stop after the product is released. In order for an app or a website to always remain comfortable to use while corresponding to the constantly changing trends, its UX design must be improved from time to time, and in some cases even rethinked and radically changed. An outdated, old-fashioned design with unimproved bugs will definitely spoil user experience and lead to loss of audience. Design improvements include not only bug fixing and “brushing up” the facade of a product, but also constant research and implementation of new ideas that can contribute to its growth. Let’s discuss a few simple steps that can improve the UX design of any product. 

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A new platform for FPGA seminars based on Gowin Tang Nano 9K: adding sound, graphics and microarchitecture labs

Reading time3 min

Gowin has clear advantages over Xilinx in the educational FPGA board market: Gowin boards are several times less expensive, the synthesis speed is several times faster, and the EDA package is two orders of magnitude smaller: we are talking about 1G versus 100G disk space. Of course, Xilinx is still the king of high-end prototyping boards that cost $10K-100K, but for the students such boards are irrelevant; such boards are for ASIC design companies. A beginning EE student needs a board for less than $100, and Gowin not only fits the bill but also covers all the needs, specifically:

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Optimizing IT Services: The Case for Reducing 24/7 Operations in B2B Services

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time5 min

In the world of IT services, the idea that operations must run 24/7 is often taken for granted. However, for business-to-business (B2B) services, this assumption needs to be rethought. By reconsidering the need for around-the-clock processing services, companies can achieve significant benefits in efficiency, security, and sustainability.

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Want to eliminate Agile? Define requirements

Reading time6 min

Sometimes it seems that jokes about management implementing Agile to do more with less aren't far from the truth. I've rarely seen development teams understand Agile as anything more than a set of ceremonies, most often associated with Scrum.

In my experience, attempts to optimize team performance often boil down to changing the internal processes within the team itself. Meanwhile, critical decisions are made outside the team, remaining in a waterfall model. This creates a disconnect: on one hand, company management strives for the flexibility of Agile, while on the other, they continue to follow rigid patterns, limiting the team and preventing it from fully realizing its potential.

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Context switching

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time4 min

Hi! My name is Slava. I am currently working as a leading Product and Senior Project Manager at Uzum Bank. One of the leading digital banks in Uzbekistan.

We are growing fast. Really fast. Speaking in numbers, our interest income has increased x10 over the past year (!).

And, as in any similar projects with rapid growth, we constantly lack qualified personnel. So I and my colleagues always have a lot of work to do.

I have two teams with completely different products, and I also manage some projects as a project manager. And I have my own small business – an online tea and coffee shop. And in conclusion, I am the father of two small children)

So, I hope this makes it clear to you that I have faced all the problems, such as working at night, lack of sleep, working in a noisy environment, calls with crying children in the background, calls during breakfast on the wheels, when I take a child to kindergarten (never do that!) etc. and so on and so forth XD

You can ask me: how do you manage to do everything?
The answer is simple: I don't XD

But. This forces me to build a system that helps me quickly switch between different types of tasks, focus quickly and complete them over and over again.

So, today I want to tell you about one of the things, that can completely ruin your day. And sometimes – whole week. It's called "context switching".

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