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Two problems why you are not selling Internationally

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time2 min

My name is Paul Karol and I work as a director in a Russian IT company that mostly sells their products in the international market.

I have been deeply involved in a project and I haven’t had time to write here lately.  

But out of this work came an understanding of two very large Mistakes that are being made that prevent your pre-sales from succeeding. 

I’m going to go into deeper detail on each one of these issues in the next articles, but I will introduce them here now.

Let me make you a promise….. if you correct these two issues, your software and development projects will sell.  

**I have a proven track record. If these areas are fixed the company begins to sell 150 % more than they’ve ever sold in the past. 

150% more profits! 

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Total votes 4: ↑2 and ↓2+2

RSS with types

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time5 min

RSS 2.0 specification was published in 2009 and hasn't moved from that point. The popularity and website adoption of this standard are dropping. People stop using it as it can't compete with social networks owned by big companies, and publishers stop using it is not rewarding. Let's review, analyze, and suggest a possible alternative to RSS. We will go from a concept to a working prototype.

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Total votes 2: ↑2 and ↓0+2

Why I need RSS 3.0

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time6 min

In the past 5 years, I moved across 3 countries and 2 continents. It was not a short tourist travel or vacation, but a full immigrant experience with 1+ year experience minimum. I had to adapt to new cultures, new languages, new people, new food, new weather, new everything. One of the pains was to adopt new online services and information sources.

The problems I have faced were not obvious and interesting at the same time. I tried to analyze what was missing and required to make life easier.

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Total votes 2: ↑2 and ↓0+2

The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences today

Reading time14 min

You can encounter integer sequences all around combinatorics, number theory, and recreational mathematics. And if there is a multitude of objects of the similar form, then one can create an index for these objects. The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, OEIS, is such an index.

This is a translation of my article The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences in 2021, published in Mat. Pros. Ser. 3 28, 199–212 (2021).

This article covers the On-Line Encyclopedia inclusion criteria, its editorial process, its role in mathematics, and its future.

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Metaverses: hype or the future to come?

Reading time5 min

Alexander Volchek, IT entrepreneur, CEO educational platform GeekBrains

Pretty much everyone in the IT community is talking metaverses, NFTs, blockchain and cryptocurrency. This time we will discuss metaverses, and come back to everything else in the letters to follow. Entrepreneurs and founders of tech giants are passionate about this idea, and investors are allocating millions of dollars for projects dealing with metaverses. Let's start with the basics.

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Total votes 2: ↑1 and ↓10

Telegram bot provides time-based currency

Reading time2 min

Many of us spend time in specialized telegram groups. The power over communication here belongs to random people with their own shortcomings. Conflict and abuse occurs regularly. Is there another way to keep order so that scam spam doesn't flourish and no one has total control over group members?

In my case, these thoughts led to the development and testing of a system that can be connected to your Telegram today.

How it works?
Total votes 4: ↑3 and ↓1+4

Neural network Telegram bot with StyleGAN and GPT-2

Reading time3 min

The Beginning

So we have already played with different neural networks. Cursed image generation using GANs, deep texts from GPT-2 — we have seen it all.

This time I wanted to create a neural entity that would act like a beauty blogger. This meant it would have to post pictures like Instagram influencers do and generate the same kind of narcissistic texts. \

Initially I planned to post the neural content on Instagram but using the Facebook Graph API which is needed to go beyond read-only was too painful for me. So I reverted to Telegram which is one of my favorite social products overall.

The name of the entity/channel (Aida Enelpi) is a bad neural-oriented pun mostly generated by the bot itself.

One of the first posts generated by Aida

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Multiple violations of policies in RMS open letter

Reading time7 min

Author: Chris Punches (@cmpunches, Silo group). License: "Please feel free to share unmodified".

The following text is an unmodified copy of now removed issue #2250 on rms-open-letter.github.io repository. The text claims multiple violations of different policies, codes of conduct and other documents in creation, content and support of the "Open letter to remove Richard M. Stallman from all leadership positions". The issue has not been addressed.

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Total votes 20: ↑16 and ↓4+16

10+ Biggest Remote Tech Jobs Aggregators Comparison

Reading time7 min

There is a myriad of articles about where to find remote jobs, particularly in tech. Some of them are outdated and most of them don't provide detailed reviews. So that's why I decided to do my own research. I did a basic search by "React" skill (where possible) and expected to see mostly "Frontend Developer" vacancies.

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Total votes 3: ↑3 and ↓0+3

The founder’s guide to AngelList

Reading time4 min

AngelList is a social network designed to connect startups with investors and vice versa. The founders of it were dissatisfied with how opaque the VC world was, and found a way to increase the amount of available data. The project began in partnership with just 50 volunteer investors wishing to allocate $80 million in capital, and has grown to be the leading website of its kind. Over the past three years more than 75% of startups that received seed funding from American investors used AngelList to make it happen.

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Total votes 3: ↑3 and ↓0+3

9 Reasons Why Students Don’t Want You as a Teacher

Reading time1 min
Teaching is hard! Finding a way to explain ideas and concepts, finding an approach to each individual among your students, each having a unique mind and learning capabilities. Being patient and creative, friendly but respective, kind but fair. You have to understand complex stuff and be able to present them in the simplest of ways. There are so many things that you must balance and consider in your work. Teachers, you are heroes, the every-day heroes! With this heroic work comes a responsibility. A responsibility of keeping yourself accountable for your student’s education. Some teachers forget about that and stay oblivious to the mistakes they are making. We’ve compiled a list of 9 Reasons Why Students Don’t Want You as a Teacher. We sincerely hope that it will help you to self-reflect, better connect with your students and achieve better results during your lessons.
Total votes 1: ↑0 and ↓1-1

Toxic Comments Detection in Russian

Reading time17 min

Currently, social network sites tend to be one of the major communication platforms in both offline and online space. Freedom of expression of various points of view, including toxic, aggressive, and abusive comments, might have a long-term negative impact on people’s opinions and social cohesion. As a consequence, the ability to automatically identify and moderate toxic content on the Internet to eliminate the negative consequences is one of the necessary tasks for modern society. This paper aims at the automatic detection of toxic comments in the Russian language. As a source of data, we utilized anonymously published Kaggle dataset and additionally validated its annotation quality. To build a classification model, we performed fine-tuning of two versions of Multilingual Universal Sentence Encoder, Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers, and ruBERT. Finetuned ruBERT achieved F1 = 92.20%, demonstrating the best classification score. We made trained models and code samples publicly available to the research community.
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Total votes 7: ↑6 and ↓1+16

Amazing Tactics to Improve Your Social Media Marketing Efforts

Reading time3 min

The benefits of a great social media strategy include increased brand awareness, customer loyalty, quality leads, and increased sales.

However, these kinds of results are not easy to achieve.

There’s fierce competition on social media and different ranking algorithms judging the content you post. Social media audiences also choose what content they deem relevant.

You can no longer post content and hope that people will follow your account, engage with your content, and convert. Instead, you need to implement tactics that can help you gain market traction while enhancing your social presence.

Moreover, a good social media app is what can actually bring you fruitful results. You can hire dedicated mobile app developers from reputed mobile app development companies to boost your social media marketing ROI.

In this post, I’ll discuss some of the tactics you can implement to boost your social media marketing efforts.
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Top 5 SMM Tools to Skyrocket Your Social Strategy

Reading time4 min

Social media marketing or, simply, SMM is indispensable in 2020. All businesses and personal brands that want to attract user attention should focus on social networks. Moreover, if you want to dominate Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other platform, you will need dedicated SMM tools. It’s totally okay to start without them. But any profile that aims at sustainable growth should consider marketing and management software.

In this guide, we will briefly cover the main categories of SMM systems. Due to a large number of available tools, we just can’t review all of them. That’s why the main section unveils five the most useful and powerful systems for SMM specialists in 2020.

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Total votes 3: ↑3 and ↓0+3

What is Slack and How Does It Work?

Reading time4 min

Slack is the best inbox organizational tool in the market now. It is used by many huge companies ranging to average-sized and small companies as well. You can make and manage the business conversations through this app and can keep a record of them too.

Slack was initially released in August 2013, when there was not its single competitor out there in the market. Yes, there were many other messaging platforms but not for the business. Usually, the business websites give a boring idea of faded colors and take all the charm and drive away to use that website or app. But Slack did something different.

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Total votes 4: ↑1 and ↓30

Habr — best articles, authors and statistics 2019

Reading time6 min
2019 is coming to an end, and it's Christmas soon. It is also the time to grab all data and collect statistics and a rating of the most interesting Habr's articles for this period.

In this post the best articles and best Habr authors 2019 will be presented, I also will show some statistical graphs that I find interesting or unusual.

Let's get started.
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Total votes 13: ↑12 and ↓1+21

Bypassing LinkedIn Search Limit by Playing With API

Reading time7 min
[Because my extension got a lot of attention from the foreign audience, I translated my original article into English].


Being a top-rated professional network, LinkedIn, unfortunately, for free accounts, has such a limitation as Commercial Use Limit (CUL). Most likely, you, same as me until recently, have never encountered and never heard about this thing.


The point of the CUL is that when you search people outside your connections/network too often, your search results will be limited with only 3 profiles showing instead of 1000 (100 pages with 10 profiles per page by default). How ‘often’ is measured nobody knows, there are no precise metrics; the algorithm decides it based on your actions – how frequently you’ve been searching and how many connections you’ve been adding. The free CUL resets at midnight PST on the 1st of each calendar month, and you get your 1000 search results again, for who knows how long. Of course, Premium accounts have no such limit in place.

However, not so long ago, I’ve started messing around with LinkedIn search for some pet-project, and suddenly got stuck with this CUL. Obviously, I didn’t like it that much; after all, I haven’t been using the search for any commercial purposes. So, my first thought was to explore this limit and try to bypass it.

[Important clarification — all source materials in this article are presented solely for informational and educational purposes. The author doesn't encourage their use for commercial purposes.]
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Total votes 10: ↑9 and ↓1+8

How do you choose products in stores?

Reading time4 min

The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people. Theodore Roosevelt

In the previous article I tried to cover the basics of pricing analytics. Now I'd like to talk about something more interesting.

Have you ever thought about why you choose certain products in stores, why you prefer them to other similar ones? Many shopping trips are spontaneous, so it's probably impossible to give a clear answer for all the times you go shopping. But the general idea is obvious: you go shopping for a specific reason (to get food, a gadget, for entertainment, to play blackjack). In this article I'm going to use available data from grocery retailers to talk about how a set of basic logical assumptions and community analysis can help us determine the way customers choose products.
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Total votes 10: ↑8 and ↓2+6

Top 10 Chat, Audio & Video Calling API & SDK Providers for Enterprise Business

Reading time8 min
The Worlds Leading Real-time Messaging, Audio & Video Chat Solutions That Made Biggest Impact In 2019


With the growing trend of digitalization, most enterprises have transformed their communication methodology from mainstream to digital. In order to keep up with competitors, companies regularly upgrade their services, specially the way they relay information to their customers as well as their employees. Today, seamless real-time networking plays a critical role in engaging with individuals and enterprises, and the best way to implement such a feat is onboarding a Real-Time Chat, Voice & Video Calling SDK/API providers.
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Total votes 5: ↑5 and ↓0+5

Telegram after 5 years

Reading time2 min
A few years ago, when I was using Jabber, all of a sudden the centralized IMs that glue your account to your phone number became popular. I was skeptical towards them for some time, but then there was a temporary illusion that the Telegram developers were trying to do something bigger. Unfortunately, over time it was becoming clearer and clearer that they were not actually going to do anything that was different in any way from what other centralized IMs had to offer.
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Total votes 15: ↑8 and ↓7+1

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