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UI/UX trends to keep an eye on in 2025

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time3 min

Trends change rapidly in UI/UX, and new year means quite a few new emerging innovations that designers should be aware of in order to create relevant and engaging designs. Some trends stay on from previous years, some are completely new, and some might end up being the fleeting ones, so it’s important to pearl off those that truly elevate user experience and make a better impact on your product. Let’s discuss some of the most anticipated UI/UX trends of the coming year.

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Kill the Troll. Engineering Tale

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time19 min

Have you ever struggled to turn business ideas into a product? Or tried to understand the way another team works?

If you have, you know how exhausting it can be. Different ways of thinking –business, analysis, and engineering – don’t always fit together easily.

This article blends a simple story with engineering tools to show how creativity and structure can work together. Using characters like The King, The Troll, and The Prince, it explores how storytelling can help solve tough problems and make complex ideas clearer.

If you’ve ever faced a "troll" at work, this story might help you see things differently – and maybe even make the process a bit more fun.

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How to Choose the Optimal Authentication Solution for Your Application

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time3 min

In today's digital world, where applications process increasing amounts of sensitive data, ensuring reliable user authentication is critical. Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user who is trying to access a system. A properly chosen authentication method protects data from unauthorized access, prevents fraud, and increases user confidence.

However, with the development of technology, new authentication methods are emerging, and choosing the optimal solution can be difficult. This article will help developers and business owners understand the variety of authentication approaches and make informed choices.

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Cloud Communications: Understanding UCaaS, CCaaS, and CPaaS

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time4 min

In today's world, where businesses increasingly rely on effective communication, cloud technologies offer a wide range of solutions to optimize interactions both within the company and with customers. Three of the most popular options are UCaaS, CCaaS, and CPaaS. While they all fall under the umbrella of cloud communications, their functionality and applications differ significantly. Let's delve into the details.

UCaaS (Unified Communications as a Service)

UCaaS unifies various communication channels, such as voice calls, video conferencing, messaging, and email, into a single platform. This allows employees to easily communicate and collaborate with each other, regardless of their location.

Benefits of UCaaS:

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8 simple ways to improve UI/UX of any software product over time

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time4 min

Creation of a UX design for a software product is an ongoing process: it doesn’t stop after the product is released. In order for an app or a website to always remain comfortable to use while corresponding to the constantly changing trends, its UX design must be improved from time to time, and in some cases even rethinked and radically changed. An outdated, old-fashioned design with unimproved bugs will definitely spoil user experience and lead to loss of audience. Design improvements include not only bug fixing and “brushing up” the facade of a product, but also constant research and implementation of new ideas that can contribute to its growth. Let’s discuss a few simple steps that can improve the UX design of any product. 

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How to conduct UX brainstorming sessions effectively: tips and methods that work

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time6 min

Brainstorming is a popular working method which is commonly used by UX design teams. It involves a group of designers meeting (whether offline or via video call) and generating as many ideas as possible to find the best solution to a specific problem or come up with creative design ideas. Brainstorming sessions are usually held at the start of a UX project so that designers could use the ideas they think are the best later in the process of product creation. These sessions can vary in duration and form depending on which problems need to be solved, how many people participate and how many ideas need to be generated. 

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How to set up Gitlab CI/CD with Fastlane for iOS-project on a Mac mini

Reading time8 min

Hello, everyone! I’m Yaroslav Fomenko, Doubletapp iOS-developer. Since the end of May, my department colleague and I have been working on implementation, improvement, and scaling of CI/CD for our projects. In this article, we want to share a guide on preparing the Xcode project and setting up runners, scripts, and configs, as well as explain how CI/CD helps us.

To learn how and why we decided to use a Mac mini for CI/CD, click here.

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CI/CD for iOS-projects: device or cloud? What’s better, Doubletapp’s take

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time6 min

Hey, Habr! I’m Yaroslav Fomenko, Doubletapp iOS-developer. After our IOS department deployed our CI/CD on a Mac Mini, we got an idea of scaling and encapsulating it. So we started researching ways to do it. First we thought of Docker, but there was neither enough info about it nor any other possible ways. In this article, we’ll look at all possible solutions we found for the deployment of Gitlab CI/CD on a device and in the cloud.

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Push notifications. How to write push notifications that won't piss you off

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time11 min

Push notifications are similar to promoters. You're peacefully walking down the street, and suddenly promoters approach you, urging you to take their flyers. You take them, but you don't read them and throw them into the nearest trash can.

The same goes for push notifications. You're reading an article, and suddenly a notification pops up with a promo code for free delivery of products. Then another one arrives, informing you about a giveaway. And then another one, offering a discount on all fruits. Notifications can appear on your screen at any time. If there are too many of them, your reaction is either to ignore them or disable them.

In this article, we will talk about how to write push notifications that people will click on and show you how to build a push notification strategy. At the end, we will provide a template for a push notification strategy.

Push Notifications - What is it?

A push notification is a pop-up message on a smartphone screen. To send one, you need to use a delivery service. You can send a notification instantly, schedule it for a specific time, or set up a trigger-based delivery - a chain of notifications that will be triggered by specific user actions.

Triggered push notifications are sent after a specific action is taken. For example, if a person starts adding items to their cart but doesn't complete the purchase, you can send them a notification urging them to complete the transaction after a certain period of time.

Notifications are sent to users who fall into specific segments for targeting. Segments are formed based on specific events. For example, the event "6 hours ago, a product was added to the cart but no purchase was made" will divide users into two segments: those who made a purchase and those who didn't.

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The Power of Email Marketing: Engaging Customers for Business Growth

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time3 min

Email marketing has emerged as a vital tool for businesses to nurture customer relationships and drive growth. In this article, we will explore the immense potential of email marketing through personal experiences and examples from renowned companies. From personalization to segmentation, retargeting, and building anticipation, discover how these strategies can elevate your email campaigns and deliver remarkable results.

The Art of Personalization in Email Marketing:
Personalization is a key aspect of successful email marketing. Take, for example, Amazon's tailored recommendations and exclusive offers. By delivering personalized content that matches customers' preferences and interests, Amazon creates a sense of exclusivity and fosters customer loyalty. In my own experience, implementing personalization in email campaigns resulted in increased open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. It's clear that customers appreciate the effort put into crafting messages specifically for them.

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How to Create Effective Product Funnels with Event Tracking

Level of difficultyMedium
Reading time8 min

Regardless of how mature the product is, its owner will always be curious about how it performs, what the conversion rates are, and what areas for improvement there are. One of the most important tools that product owners should get access to at some point in time is an event tracking system.

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Journey to find a headset with a good side talk cancellation mic for calls in an open office

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time6 min

TL;DR: All AI-based noise cancellations suck, only the physical cancellation technique works! And physical cancellation is implemented well only in Jabra devices yet, but other features suck them! All Bluetooth headsets suck too! So, no solution yet, just complaints!

The environment: I work in a pretty talky office room, where sit around 10 people, and all of them have many online conferences every day, including me. So, silence in the room is a rare situation.

The problem: The main problem is that most of the microphones pick up all side talk pretty loud, which makes it very unpleasant for other people to listen to my voice in meetings!

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Best digital marketing agencies in Vancouver 2024

Level of difficultyEasy
Reading time11 min

This year we conducted a survey of 78 purchasing managers from Forbes Global 2000 companies based in Vancouver, BC. Last year, Covid restrictions were eased, agency employees partially returned to their offices. This year has become a real challenge for agencies' CEOs, they had to find compromises with employees who did not want to return to the office, and at the same time manage projects at the same efficient level. Clutch is not the platform market can trust anymore because of the paid placements (sponsors and featured) that can cover up to 50 first positions in some cases. So we asked procurement managers in Vancouver to rate their digital marketing agencies from 0 to 10 based on the following criteria:

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E-commerce Trends you can’t miss

Reading time4 min

The e-commerce market in 2022 leaves entrepreneurs no choice but immediately incorporate new technologies. Today it is not enough to follow the latest trends, because you need to be two steps ahead. How to do it?

Consumer behavior has changed, especially since this pandemic. You get used to good things quickly, so online shopping and fast delivery services made us all appreciate our time and comfort.

You have to pay for everything in this life, so retailers and marketplaces have to pay for the growth of demand and profits in the field of e-commerce by regularly introducing new technologies, fighting for consumer loyalty, and rivalry in endless competition.

Here are a few of the latest e-commerce trends that cannot be missed if you want to achieve stable profits and customer growth.

All attention to CRO

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Startup story — how we pivoted mobile apps and business from «beauty Uber» to «beauty coworking»

Reading time9 min

Hi everyone! My name is Dmitrii Konstantinov and this is a personal story of experience and growth in a cozy startup. How we made a business pivot and adapted the server and mobile apps for it. What challenges did we face and how did we solve them.

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«Look what I have!» — how we made the feature of screen sharing in the mobile video conferencing app

Reading time4 min

How we listened to the needs of our customers and implemented the feature with the maximum capabilities of the iOS and Android platforms. Then we looked into analytics, added onboarding, and usage grew. At the end of the article there are some cool conclusions and insights. Developing a video conferencing mobile app is fun!

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UX Copy: Writing for Non-Readers

Reading time6 min

Getting a task from a client, UX designers tend to pay attention to the design goals, not the contents of the website/app itself. There’s something completely wrong with it because the visual part might be superb, but when it frames a vague or wordy message, the client's goals won’t be reached.

To avoid this, a UX designer should dive deeper into the content, analyze it, and restructure it in an interface-friendly way. It doesn’t mean doing the copywriter’s job, it means collaborating. The reality is that sometimes the writing team is used to praising the product (because clients like that), or there is no copywriter involved in the project at all.

Provide proof instead of opinion

An impression is more powerful when the customer can conclude the product’s benefits on their own. Instead of a colorful line of adjectives like “ultimate” or “leading” you should aim at what exactly makes the product that cool. The trick is to be precise, preferably with an example.

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A tale of how PVS-Studio reimagined the bug

Reading time4 min

You all know our mascot — a unicorn — many people grew fond of him! However, PVS-Studio has a supporting character who is also the antagonist of our product — a bug! Well, a bug is not omnipresent, indestructible evil. It's more like an everyday or a work-related trouble. In this article, you'll learn how we created a new character, and why he looks like a ladybug. Oh, and if you wonder why the hell he has a belly button — keep reading!

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