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Main Challenges and Mistakes in Creating Your Design System

Reading time14 min

Design system creation and integration is a challenging and rather tedious task. It can simply the development process or make it even harder. Anton Polyakov, Project Management Director for Innotech’s Mobile Development Department shares his team’s experience to demonstrate the unforeseen challenges they encountered.

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Understanding the Differences Between Kafka and RabbitMQ: in Simple Terms

Reading time7 min

Software message brokers became the standard for creating complex systems. However not all IT specialists understand how these instruments work. Pavel Malygin, Lead System Analyst at Innotech, dives into the topic of message brokers and explains how they are used.

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How to Customize UI Artefacts for Selenide + Selenoid + Allure (with TestOPS)

Reading time20 min

The common combination of JUnit5, Selenide and Allure has proven to be stable and reliable for autotesting. The remaining issue, however, lies in test length increase up until the rise of overall test numbers. The resulting video files turn out to be over an hour. Alexander Kochergin, Lead engineer at Innotech, has found a way to simplify the process.

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Ten “Soft Skill” Job Interview Mistakes

Reading time10 min

A job interview is one of the most stressful life events. According to research IT specialists change their jobs every 2-3 years, and every tame they are faced with interviews with HR, tech leads and future managers. Artem Golovachev, Director of IT architecture at Innotech, shares his insights on how to successfully pass an interview.

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What causes testers and developers to feud and how to avoid it

Reading time5 min

Testers and developers are the driving force of any IT enterprise. Their work directly influences the quality of the final product. Pavel Petrov, our Lead tester-engineer of the risk detection monitoring service for corporate clients, shares his insights on building a productive relationship between two different IT camps.

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Modern Micro-Service Architecture: Key Challenges for System Analysts

Reading time9 min

We're continuing to explore micro service architecture. In today's blog Alexander Solyar, Lead system architect at Innotech, describes the main challenges analysts are facing while working with micro services. He also shares a number of effective solutions and recommendations.

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Modern Microservice Architecture: Design Principles

Reading time7 min

First mentions of micro service architecture application go back to the previous decade. Today this approach became the industry standard. Alexander Solyar, Lead software architect at Innotech, dives into details, shares professional insights and practical rules for working with micro services .

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Conceptogram as a method to create more effective technical documentation

Reading time5 min

Konstantin Kotelnik, an analyst at Innotech, ponders over making technical documentation easier to understand for developers and helping the clip-thought generation work effectively with large quantities of data. Read the article to find out about the potential emergence of a graphical IT-Esperanto and the standardisation of technical language.

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Testing Metrics You Must Add to Your Process

Reading time4 min

Testing is one of the key processes in development. However, without analysis it is tough to say how effective testers really are. Innotech’s lead tester-engineer Pavel Petrov shared a number of metrics that are being used in project work.

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Stress-testing: How Testers Live in a Turbulent World of Bugs

Reading time11 min

A tester is one of the most stressful roles in IT. You constantly need to be concentrated and report bugs to developers in your team. Lidiya Yegorova, Innotech’s “Scoring conveyor” team QA-Lead shared her practices on how to minimize the stress while testing.

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How Analyst Days/14 went for us

Reading time5 min

Conference participation is one of the most important practices for professional development. Hence, Innotech is actively sending out both its speakers and listeners for the biggest events. Senior Analyst Anastasia Kochetova shares her impressions from the Analyst Days/14 conference.

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An Antidote to Absent-Mindedness, or How I Gained Access to an OpenShift Node without an SSH Key

Reading time6 min

Typically when a Node falls out of the OpenShift cluster, this is resolved by simply restarting the offending element. What should you do, however, if you’ve forgotten the SSH key or left it in the office? You can attempt to restore access by using your wit and knowledge of Linux commands. Renat Garaev, lead developer at Innotech, described how he found the solution for this riddle and what was the outcome.

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